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Martyn W

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Martyn W last won the day on June 12 2024

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    Q5 SUV 45Tfsi MHEV
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  1. Forgot to mention mine also had the B & O system installed, & spacesaver does fit with the sub woofer.
  2. Chaps, I have changed my A4Avant for a Q5, so no longer need the space saver that I bought for the A4. It does fit into the wheel well, & it works with the larger diameter alloys. Mine was on 19's. It's available with the jack for £75 to anybody who's interested. It has been used, just the once, for about 15 miles. I would need to be collection only. I'm located near Kingston, Surrey. Please message me if interested.
  3. Not a clue, sorry. Mine seemed to be linked to passing the sensor in the rear quarter with the key in my hand or pocket, but Audi UK never got to the bottom of it.
  4. Hi Antec123, My spare is an ET 22, not 29. This was supplied by The Wheel Shop as being the correct fitment, & I didn't have any clearance issues when I needed to use it. Maybe this sheds some light on the rumoured non-combatibility issues reported elsewhere.
  5. Haven't a clue regarding the red tool. I thought the self-same thing. Perhaps someone else on here can shed some light. When I tried the jack, I couldn't get to grips with the floppy cranking handle - nearly ended up throwing it across the road! The one I bought from Amazon comes with a large nut on the end of the threaded rod & a ratchet handle that fits securely on the nut. Much more secure & easy to operate to raise & lower the car.
  6. Chaps, Please see link for quality jack from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08FTH8N1T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Link to space saver that I bought https://www.thewheelshop.co.uk/product/audi-a4-b8-2008-present-day-19-space-saver-spare-wheel-and-tool-kit/ Photos below of wheel in well & space I store the tool kit & jack IMG_3887[1].HEIC IMG_3888[1].HEIC
  7. Hi, I have a 21 plate S-line Avant Black Edition with B&O, & running on 19" rims. I bought the wheel & jack kit from the Wheelshop. I did have a flat on the front & the space saver fitted fine, although the jack was garbage. Binned that & bought a better quality german one from Amazon. It all lives in a cloth bag in the cubby space under the floor just behind the back seats.
  8. What really winds me up with this £40k tax threshold is that the cost of cars keeps on increasing, but the £40k threshold is static, pushing more & more (potentially mundane) cars past the threshold. At the least, you would hope/expect that the threshold increases in line with RPI, as road tax just has.
  9. Hi John, I think you'll find keyless entry (advanced key) only comes as part of the comfort & sound pack. My 21 plate Black Edition has C & S & has keyless entry, but I was loaned a 22 plate A5 sportback S-Line & that only had keyless start.
  10. Hi, My 2021 avant came with both installed. The cassette for the roller net sits behind the top of the back seats & extends into two sockets in the roof lining. Works fine with the luggage cover in place.
  11. I've had several A4's & A5's, from a 2009 B8 to my current 2021 B9.5, over the last few years, & in all cases the air con & stop-start work in perfect harmony.
  12. No worries. Hope you get it sorted. I found it extremely frustrating.
  13. Interesting. I had an A4 B8 that did exactly the same. If I waved the key fob past the OSR corner of the car, the boot lid sprung up of its own accord. It was still under warranty (just), sot he car went back to the dealer several times, without success. The best they could offer was to line the inside of the bumper area with tin foil to block the signal, or to deactivate the advanced key. The factory didn't have a solution, & eventually Audi took the car back, as I wasn't prepared to accept the tin foil solution.
  14. Hi, Does the car have 'advanced key' keyless entry?
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