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    A6 SE (C6) 2.0 TDI
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  1. Hi Everyone, I bought the above vehicle in October 2021 and everything was going well until about a week ago when it suddenly lost power going up a hill. I also got a sort of exhaust smell coming from the engine into the cabin. I got a mechanic friend to have a look for me and he immediately saw that the EGR Cooler pipe was moving around and missing the screw/bolt at the top. He took some pictures further down int the engine and it seems that all the moving around caused the metal to fracture near to the flange on the pipe towards the front. I ordered a replacement and started the replacement procedure about an hour or so ago however once I got the airbox out, I could see that it was ONLY attached by the two flanges and there are no other fixings holding it in place anywhere which prompted me to put it all back together until I could find the necessary bolts/screw/fixings So, my question is, does anyone know the sizes of bolts/screws etc I need to buy to allow me to fix it more firmly into place please? Or alternatively, does anyone know where I can get an exploded diagram of the engine that details the sizes on it please? Thanks for your help 😄
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