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  1. Just an update for anyone in the future with a similar issue I guess. We took the door card, speaker, etc out and with a bit of jiggling got the window to move up under its own power again. We moved it up and down but it only lasted about three test moves before the regulator exploded into pieces, so that's what it was.
  2. Hi everyone. Yesterday in a car park I put my window down for the ticket machine and it sort of juddered and made a bit of a grinding noise and now it won't come back up. Like the switch clicks and the motor makes noise but it only comes up maybe a half inch then stops and goes back down. I took the door card off and tried to 'help' the glass move up by hand but it won't move at all. The whole mechanism and glass has only been in this door a few weeks so it's going back to the body shop later for a quick look but any ideas what this can be? Nothing seems loose at all and I think the motor has given up. Thanks in advance if anyone has ideas.
  3. Hi guys. Before I replace the wheels on my car I want to lower it but not on coilovers. All I can seem to find are springs without shocks. Can anyone suggest and maybe link a shock/spring combo they've used? Thanks! Edit: Just realised this is probably in the wrong place, sorry!
  4. Hello everyone, I recently picked up a 2011 A3 1.6 and figured joining here was a good shout. I paid £500 for the car since it had some damage to the side and a misfire. Everything is now fixed and the car cost me £1700 all in. It's actually never failed an MOT so hopefully I won't regret it!
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