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    A3 2.0tdi 170bhp
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  1. I didn't have the car mapped, like that when I bought it. Never driven it hard either, Just know what a standard 170bhp is like. Its full service history, engine is fine. Its had a health check before i bought it and its got excellent compression and also had a leak down test so it's got nothing to do with a clapped out engine. Noticed the very slight miss when overtaking a slow car......doesn't do it under normal driving.
  2. I didn't have the car mapped, like that when I bought it. Never driven it hard either, Just know what a standard 170bhp is like. Its full service history, engine is fine. Its had a health check before i bought it and its got excellent compression and also had a leak down test so it's got nothing to do with a clapped out engine. Noticed the very slight miss when overtaking a slow car......doesn't do it under normal driving.
  3. So, new to the forumn so hello chaps.. A3 2.0Tdi 170 sportback Any how, had the car roughly six months now. its been mapped and its like the proverbial off the shovel.. Noticed a bit of smoke and a slight miss fire mostly in 3rd under hard acceleration. Went to get the map checked out as local garge mentioned it may be a crap map.... mapper said the original map was locked ans couldn't access it. The problem has got worse now. The car drives great though. So, here goes with the probs... When i start the car in a morning, it takes alot longer to sart and sounds very lumpy. The longer the car has been left standing the worse the problem gets, the amount of smoke that comes out is worse also the longer the car stands also. even cycling the glowplugs numerous times doesn't help with starting either. Once strated and the smoke has gone the engine runs as it should. Once warmed up and stopped at junctions/lights, white smoke can be seen coming out literally in the mirror and going past the car it can be that bad. sometimes if your lucky it won't do it and the engine pitch is fine then it will start a bit lumpy and the smoke starts again. It's deffinately fuel related as you can smell it quite strong especially if you've just pulled up and reversing into a parking spot and it's really heavy on fuel. If i get 150 miles out of £30 of diesel, I'm doing well. I'm no mechanic and I don't live on Daddy's yacht so any pointers on problems on these engines would be appreciated before the local garage shoot the parts connon at it Thanks Mark
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