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Everything posted by gsmdo

  1. To be fair, Clifford, the work has not been something that has taken the car off the road, and it has been in regular use any time the sun is out (except when there's salt on the road 😱). The final step of identifying the reason for the interference, and coming up with the solution, was a sense of being determined to solve a problem. My mother was German - I think it's her genes that make me determined to make things work 😆 It was a lot more long-winded than I anticipated, but has made it a nicer place to be during a long trip. Mike😎
  2. A very late update. If anyone else has done this, or is contemplating doing it, I have another piece of advice. I found that the image from the reversing camera was continually being interfered with, with lots of aberrations appearing in the image. After a lot of trial and error testing by my mate Dave (blessed with Mother Theresa levels of patience), we worked out what the problem is. The standard 12v system we were taking our power supply from was too 'dirty' - ie it also contained voltage signals to operate the CANBUS. This interfered with the picture. Our solution was to use the same supply to switch a relay, which, when triggered, gave the normal 12v from the source (the 12v power socket in the RH panel inside the boot). The result is - it all works perfectly - but I wish someone had written a cautionary tale like this for me to read before I started...🤦‍♂️ Mike🙂
  3. Hi Mark, Going from the Reg nuber you DMed me, it looks like the pump is 028 130 115M There is a VW service kit 038 198 051D, which is suitable. He says a Bosch seal kit is available from Autodoc for just over £12. I hope this helps. Mike 🙂
  4. Hi Mark, Do you have a clearer pic - or can you copy the part number (which appears to be embossed in the oblong recess) please? Once we can identify the part number, options should be easy to find. Cheers, Mike 🙂
  5. Hi Christine, He's Norwich based, so you're a little out of his range, unfortunately. I should have mentioned that it brought the hood up like new, and the video I tried to embed shows water bouncing off and beading on it. I had it treated in 2023, and it's still really good (although the car is garaged, so it might not be a fair comparison). https://mikeo.smugmug.com/Cars/Convertible/n-Tcq75Z/23rd-March-2023-Valet/i-Tw9Pj8P/A https://mikeo.smugmug.com/Cars/Convertible/n-Tcq75Z/23rd-March-2023-Valet/i-6xJw2SS/A If you copy and paste the links above into your browser, you should be able to see the two (very short) videos... Let us know how you get on. Merry Christmas, Mike 🎅
  6. The chap that valets my A4 convertible recommends Gtechniq convertible roof cleaner. This is a two-step process - a cleaner and then a sealant. He treated my car's top with it a couple of years ago, and it came up like new and really repels water. I'll try to put a couple of videos showing the water repellence... OK - I give up - trying to embed a video here is clearly beyond me...🤦‍♂️
  7. I still have them, but - if you read the thread - I can't tell if they are for an Audi 100 or an A6. When I bought them, I'm pretty sure the chap said they came off an Audi 100, but he also told me that they would fit either model. Having checked part numbers with Audi, they are not interchangeable, and I have no way of telling which car they will fit... Mike
  8. Hi Patrick, I still have them, but - if you read the thread - I can't tell if they are for an Audi 100 or an A6. When I bought them, I'm pretty sure the chap said they came off an Audi 100, but he also told me that they would fit either model. Having checked part numbers with Audi, they are not interchangeable, and I have no way of telling which car they will fit... Mike
  9. Precious few days that scream "Convertible" so far this summer. I took the old girl out the other day and the stumbling pick-up and misfire in cruise is back... 🤦‍♂️ So yesterday, on the recommendation of my mate at Norwich Audi, I dropped it off at CAT Automotive for a deep-dive diagnosis. They rang me this morning and told me that all the issues I am having comes down to the EGR valve that I replaced (with an aftermarket one). They recommend altering the map to effectively delete the EGR valve - the emission value it controls is not tested for in UK MoTs anyway. I've asked them to go ahead. Interestingly, the tech mentioned that they have come across aftermarket cams (like I had fitted) which are not designed to work with Diesel Particulate Filters, and told me to keep an eye on it. If I get a DPF light come up, I'll give the car an Italian tune-up on the A47 for five miles or so and then restart it... Looking forward to getting her back - standby for weeks of drizzle... 😆
  10. So, to answer my own question, this would appear to be the part of the mechanism that ensures the seat returns to its original position once you've let someone into the back seat. The seat now just travels all the way back, instead of stopping at its original position. The reason I didn't spot this earlier is that I invariably have the passenger seat fully back, so it isn't an issue...
  11. Thanks, Steve - I think you're probably right. Isn't it amazing how long it took manufacturers to come up with electric power steering? Seems the obvious, cheap and simple solution in hindsight… Mike 😎
  12. Hi all, The power steering on my A4 B7 convertible seems a bit heavy. To be clear, it has always felt this way and I have sort of got used to it. The reservoir is at its top level, and it doesn't leak or make any noise, but it is significantly more difficult to turn at low speed than that of my other car, a 2014 Škoda Superb. Now, the Škoda has electrically-powered steering, and the convertible hydraulic, but I still wonder if this is normal. Tyre pressures are correct, and I'm struggling to come up with something that might cause this. Any ideas? Thanks, Mike 😎
  13. I've PMed you, Tarmo. Mike 🙂
  14. The sun was out - time to take the convertible out for its first trip of spring... I ended up driving my mate home with him in the backseat, and me looking like a !Removed! chauffeur... 😆 When I got home, I had a good look at the runners and saw something loose up in the left runner track. Using a natty little flexible extending magnet gizmo, it took me only 20 minutes to get it out. Because, of course, everything is made of steel there... 🤦‍♂️ Anyway - this is what I fished out: It's a tool-quality piece of metal, with broken plastic fittings... The plastic is held in place by a T shaped push pin with a small spring fitted to it. The weird thing is, that the seat now works exactly as designed. From the quality of the piece of metal, I'd guess it is part of a latching mechanism, the plastic locating parts now broken. But try as I might, I can't get the seat to move back or forward even slightly, or slightly asymmetrically, without using the lever or the tilt handle. So, I'm going to ignore it for now. If anyone has had one of these apart and can tell me what purpose it serves, that'd be great. Thanks, Mike
  15. It is. Mike🙂
  16. Hi Dave, 8K0 807 682C 01C Retail £42.66 Cheers, Mike
  17. Hi David, Can you send me the car’s registration number (by private message if you want) please? Thanks, Mike
  18. I'll ask a mate...
  19. Is this warranty work on an approved used car? It doesn't look like any coherent pic is being transmitted - just a splash of light... 🤨 I have no experience of this HUD, but I have owned a few aftermarket ones (Hudway)...
  20. It was the name for the women who sat by the guillotine, knitting the names of those being executed into scarves during the French Revolution...😆
  21. Whilst I was fitting a new head unit and reversing camera into my 2006 A4 B7 convertible, I noticed these two modules in the boot lid: Which, on closer inspection... ...seem to be the 'hidden' radio antennae. The radio has always had bad reception. Since I almost never use it, this hasn't really been a problem. Except I'm half-German, and I can hear my Mother admonishing me from beyond the grave to get it tested and fixed... 😆 Does anyone know of a method of testing these units to try to track the problem down, please? Thanks, Mike😎
  22. I bought an RS 4 look-a-like grille last summer and eventually got around to fitting it this afternoon... The job involves removing the front bumper, which we did by following a useful YouTube guide: It was then a matter of fitting the new grille onto the bumper, after fitting the chrome four-ring Audi badge from the old grille. Unfortunately (but not unexpectedly, given the age of the car), several of the clips broke when coming off. I'll be sourcing a new badge. Turned out rather well, I think. I've got some sticky pads to remount the number plate somewhere. The new badge will just clip into place when I get it. If anyone is interested, the grille I bought was this one: Click Cheers, Mike 😎
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