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Garry 1

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Everything posted by Garry 1

  1. Hi all, firstly thank you for admitting me, had my cab 3 yrs now, absolutely no issues whatsoever.... Until now, the cab roof has decided to pack up. I raised the roof halfway and stopped it, while I cleaned the seals, whilst distracted it came down under its own weight, I switched back on and it closed as normal. Then rained for a month..... Came to use it, windows retracted, roof released, then nothing.. Dash display "roof cannot be used" Any tips, or know of a technician in the Manchester area?? Best regards Garry
  2. Forgive if I've got this in the wrong place. Addled brain n all that.. So, just here to say hello, and obviously search for information.. Could anyone point me to where I should be looking for soft top faults...
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