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Everything posted by Dave.G6HNI

  1. To be honest I don't actually have the Audi CD player, I have a Sony 6 CD Cartridge unit, but I never use it, I have a few SD cards with all my favourite songs, jingles, etc and I tend to only listen to them or traffic reports. n.b. when using SD Cards put all the songs into 1 or more folders as the RNS-e will only see the first 450 files in the root directory. I did a quick google, but couldn't find anything... Disk 7 is the RNS-E DVD slot so if you eject and reinsert a CD/cart from the player, that may force it to be accessed ?
  2. Glad you have got there, it must be your lucky day, so I suggest you also do the lottery 🙂 I have attached a pdf I downloaded at the time with full RNS-e pinout info plus a lot more. Dave 2072102185_Audi-A6TEDsRNS-E.pdf
  3. OK, so lets confirm a few basics just in case, I assume that when you say the old radio works, you have tried it since you had the issue with the RNS-e ? When you say the radio doesn't work, does it find station but you can't hear them or does the scan not find any stations ? Everything is pointing to a lack of power getting to the amps... You could try plugging a bog standard aerial in the back of the RNS-e which should sort of work just not very well, but it should find some stations ?
  4. OK, but bear in mind I did this 10 years ago... #37 0413718 The 3 is the only option for a cab, although mine is 2005, it is the 2004 model B6 8H and I think it is just to do with noise levels. The 8 is correct for me, TV + CD + MFSW but again shouldn't affect speakers or radio ? So a 3 would mean CD fitted but nothing else, no TV or MFSW so again should not affect radio ? As the radio amps rely on power from the RNS-e up the coax it might be worth checking it is actually chucking 12v up the coax, I have seen a YT video where someone added a 12v injector into the FM feed to the amp after accidently blowing up the 12v output in the RNS-e
  5. Hi Mick, no issues at all I upgraded from a Chorus 1 din, so I had to change the whole centre console. So I needed quite a few adaptor cables, but the radio just worked just fine. I seem to remember having to programme it to not have Bose, but that wouldn't affect just the radio. I also had to change the amps when I added the TV tuner, but again no issues with radio. If the radio works with the old Symphony unit then yes sounds like not the cables, only thing left then is the coding, I have attached my coding spreadsheet which you can compare with your, maybe you will spot a difference.... AUDI_CODES_via_VGA-COM.xls
  6. Hi, I have a 2005 A4 B6 cab and I retrofitted my RNS-e about 10 years ago and everything inc radio works fine, however, I have had an issue with both the AM & FM coax cables where they enter the boot lid through the left rubber gaiter. Both have broken inside the gaiter due to repeated boot opening and closing and the power to the aerial amps go up the FM coax from the RNS-e. There are several videos on how to check and fix these so I suggest you check these out first as this is a VERY common problem. Did the radio work before you switched head units ? have you got both aerial cables connected ? Regards, Dave G6HNI
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