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Ian Foley

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Everything posted by Ian Foley

  1. Hi Steve, yes as you say when I had my focus I could literally do most jobs on it put it back together it would run ropey for few days then sort itself out . Ian.
  2. Hi Gareth, Thanks for your message and input I’m only glad I didn’t go in like a bull in a china shop and disconnect it as I said before I have come from a 2008 Ford Focus things moved on from then 😄. kind regards, Ian.
  3. Ah ok thanks Steve for your replies. Ian.
  4. Hi thanks Steve oh maybe I’ll leave well alone then it’s just that I only had the car around a month and it looks like a bit of corrosion on positive terminal. May I ask what happens then if I ever have to replace the battery do I need to take it to an Audi dealer. Forgive me as I’m coming from an old 2008 Ford Focus and things moved on since then .😄 Regards Ian .
  5. Ian Foley


    Hi all I have an a1 sport back 35tfsi 2019 plate can I remove the battery as want to clean the terminals. When reconnecting do I have to reset anything thanks in anticipation. regards, Ian.
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