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  1. I’ve just changed to a newer SQ5, so I’ve got some older Audi official Roofbars - get in touch if you are interested and we can discuss a sensible price.
  2. Audi will tell you what you need to do .. depending on the age of the car, it’ll either be a change to the gearing on the Speedo cable (something like that) or a code change. you won’t be the first to do it, so ask the professionals for the correct fix.
  3. The important figure is your rolling radius which will have changed, but that’s determined by the profile of your tyre etc (website will help you with the cals) https://alloywheels.com/tyreCalculator Surely the correct way to do this would be to speak to Audi and do it t properly rather than fudging it with some after market gadget. Personally I wouldn’t touch a vehicle that has been modified with a mileage blocker - doesn’t give off the right message to me.
  4. Surely you’d have to drastically change the wheel size for it to have any noticeable effect ? What have you changed from (wheel/tyre size) and what have you put on ?
  5. Sounds about right 🤣
  6. Sounds like it might have got confused and thinks that is as far as you want it open. Might be worth opening it all the way up manually and resetting its opening position.
  7. Silly question maybe, but there are a number of settings on the air suspension for each of the drive select modes, however none of them seem to put the car at its very lowest setting. Is there something that allows it that low ?
  8. I had a coolant leak on my 2015 SQ5 - this was the seal in the V of the engine - this was fixed FOC with the extended warranty. IMHO, the VW extended warranty is worth every penny - saved me a fair amount of money over the 5 years i had that car - i'd recommend everyone gets one!
  9. My 2015 SQ5 developed a fault in one of the speakers - this required the replacement of the whole backbox on that side .. this might be part of the issue. They can check this in the workshop as they both create error codes and they can check if the current running through them too.
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