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Jim Roberts

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    West Sussex
  • Audi Model
    A3 40 TFSIe
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  1. Thank you Steve Q, the problems didn't start within the first 30 days, it has evolved over the last 4/5 months & by Audi's own admission it is caused by 5G. Because the roll out of 5G has been greater down south, it affects the car more down here. When I go up north, it does not happen at all because there is less 5G in the midlands. It is getting worse by the day with more occurrences of the infotainment system drop out. Sadly I did not buy the car on finance but cash so I guess I am stuck with it. Just need to make any potential buyers aware of the current situation with this model of Audi, they seem to be in no hurry to sort it out.
  2. HI, just seen these posts and need to comment as follows. I picked up a new Audi A3 40TFSIe in September 2021, at no time did anyone mention to me that there were known software issues with this car. I have spoken to the dealer (Worthing Audi) and Audi UK CEO office and they have admitted they knew about these issues before I was sold the car. I too have been told that a software update is being worked on in Germany but no idea when this might be available. I am having all of the above mentioned shutdown issues, with various log in, password and pin number issues. I have also had an occasion where the car would not open remotely, I had to prize off the plastic lock cover on the drivers door to open the car with the key, as soon as I got inside the car all the alarms started going off and miraculously the car unlocked and reset the alarm on the key fob from inside the car. I called the dealership who told me I needed to replace the battery in the key fob which was absolute rubbish as I had just replaced it. The key fob has worked just fine ever since on the same battery, this was 2 months ago. Does anyone know if I have any recourse with the dealership to return the car for a full refund on the grounds it was sold not fit for purpose?
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