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    audi a3 1.9tdi 105hp
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  1. after a long drive , i seem to have slight oil residue coming off the front bumper grille . Around the top right hand side area . i also have a boost leak i believe , so I'm thinking hole in the intercooler causing the oil residue maybe ?
  2. the original fan shroud was a factory twin fan i assume its one cooling fan the the other works with the AC . i Will be doing full testing etc before anything , just i would prefere the fans to work off the natural plug that the original shroud plugged in to .
  3. The only diagram i could find , with out uploading pictures , quotes the 2 thin wires on the plug being low speed relay . The to thick wires being high speed relay
  4. the electric fans are installed , as the car has a upgraded bigger radiator . The wiring is wired to a toggle switch for the fans , i want to redo the wiring to the original plug that plugged into the old fan shroud.
  5. hi i have a 2007 a3 1.9tdi , the previous owner has done a twin electric fan conversion on the radiator. I am not keen on the way the wiring is done and would like change the wiring and tidy it up more . question is does anyone have a wiring diagram for this . or nos what the colors of the fan shroud plug are . number 1 is a thick red wire , 2 is a thin black wire , 3 is a thin green wire and 4 is a thick brown wire . any help would be appreciated please.
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