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Mike Tidd

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Everything posted by Mike Tidd

  1. Hi, I don't have an auto audi I have a manual but I will check out Fuse 31
  2. Hi Joe, Thanks for the advice, I will certainly try your suggestion. The problem is I can't rely on the car in it's present state. Thanks again.
  3. 2007 Audi A4 S LineSE Quattro TDI Estate. Problem, I have is intermittent starting. Key in and turn to start nothing happens. The radio and everything else is functioning. The battery is good ( less that a year old ), the Alternator is charging. This fault happens intermittently and after removing the key and reinserting a number of times car starts. This happens with both keys so I think you can rule out the key chip. Could it be the key barrel? My garage tell me there are no fault codes listed. It's not Parasitic Power Drain. Has anyone else experienced this and if so what was the remedy? If i can't fix it she has to go which I do not want to do. Help please.
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