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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Hi all, just a few questions if people can help me, i havent owned my Q7 for long but i was wondering what are the things that go wrong on them mainly or whatshould i keep an eye on??....mine is an 11 plate with 30k on the clock 3.0tdi Sline Next question; I am tinkering with the idea of getting it remapped?...what is the best tuners/map to get for quality i have been looking at ABT for audi tuners but its just one that came up when i googled it...I live in the north east area and hwta sort of price would i be looking at and what extra figures would it be improved too?...cheers guys and gals
  2. Just dropped in for a long while to say hi and to pick everyones minds from time to time...here is mine....
  3. Just to say hi, i own a Q7 Sline ...i like weight training, movies and chocolate and hate queueing and digging holes..
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