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  1. Hello everyone, I had the same problem as you guys. No data transfer at all. No traffic updates, no Google search, 3G logo was there but no internet connection what so ever. Not even able to delete the key user to complete the factory reset. All pointing to an issue with eSIM in the car. Dealer was clueless and less than helpful. Took me 3 days to convince them this is a real issue (you don't really want to know the dirty details). Anyways, after feeding the dealer with lots of forum discussions and proving that 100s of owners having the same issue, they finally contacted Germany tech and within half a day they instructed the dealer to change two components J949 and J533 and everything was back to normal. Not sure what these parts are but seems like related to the eSIM. Attached you can see the repair report. Hope this helps the ones experiencing the same problem as mine. Cheers, Jake (Majid)Hello everyone, I had the same problem as you guys. No data transfer at all. No traffic updates, no Google search, 3G logo was there but no internet connection what so ever. Not even able to delete the key user to complete the factory reset. All pointing to an issue with eSIM in the car. Dealer was clueless and less than helpful. Took me 3 days to convince them this is a real issue (you don't really want to know the dirty details). Anyways, after feeding the dealer with lots of forum discussions and proving that 100s of owners having the same issue, they finally contacted Germany tech and within half a day they instructed the dealer to change two components J949 and J533 and everything was back to normal. Not sure what these parts are but seems like related to the eSIM. Attached you can see the repair report. Hope this helps the ones experiencing the same problem as mine. Cheers, Jake (Majid) Cause C/S HE'S ABLE TO SEE VEHICLE'S STATUS FROM THE PHONE APP SINCE YESTERDAY'S REPAIR, BUT STILL CAN'T LOGIN TO THE MMI FROM THE VEHICLE, THERE'S NO TRAFFIC INFO/GOOGLE SEARCH. PORTAL SHOWS INFOTAINMENT SERVICES NOT CONNECTED, SAFETY & SERVICE IS GOOD IN GREEN. THE 10 CHARACTER AUDI CONNECT CODE IS KEREBHXLBD. CLIENT ASKED TO ADD 3 USERS. 10 DIGIT CAR/RADIO CODE xxxxxxxxxx. Correction CONFIRMED CUSTOMER COMPLAINT. CANNOT LOGIN TO AUDI CONNECT. TRIED MULTIPLE TIMES WITH CUSTOMER CREDENTIALS. CONTACTED TAC LINE. TAC LINE RECCOMENDS TO REMOVE J949 AND J533. REMOVE BATTERY FROM J939 AND LET SIT FOR 4 HOURS. AFTERWARDS CHECK OPERATION. CONTINUNING DIAGNOSIS. AFTER 4 HOURS RE INSTALLED J533 AND J949 MODULES. OPERATION IS BACK ONLINE AND LTE IS UP AND RUNNING. MAPS FUNCTION CORRECTLY. REMOVED ALL KEY USERS AND SUBMITTED ALL INFORMATION VIA AUDI CONNECT ONLINE. VERIFIED INFORMATION AND SAVED. HAVE CUSTOMER LOGIN VIA KEY CODE AND EMAIL. ONLY ONE KEY USER SHOULD BE USED AND THE REST BE INPUTTED AS GUESTS.
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