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    Audi a6 c6 3.0tdi le mans
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  1. Hi Ladies and gentlemen. My Audi a6 c6 went into a limp mode! I switched the engine off and it was all fine, but then yesterday it did it again, but now there is a whining noise coming of the engine bay. What could it be?
  2. Hi people! Got an 2007 audi A6 sline lemans edition with full extras + sunroof. Has a full service history with 230k on the clock. Full service has been done every single year. Bodywork is in i would say good condition for a cars age. As i want to sell it i can't figure out the asking price. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi people! Got an 2007 audi A6 sline lemans edition with full extras + sunroof. Has a full service history with 230k on the clock. Full service has been done every single year. Bodywork is in i would say good condition for a cars age. As i want to sell it i can't figure out the asking price. Any suggestions?
  4. Hi there! I've got an issue with my number plate light! It just not working i tried changing all sorts of bulbs and even changed whole new patr but it still not working
  5. Hi there! I've got an issue with my number plate light! It just not working i tried changing all sorts of bulbs and even changed whole new patr but it still not working. Any ideas why?
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