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    A6 avant
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  1. Hi everyone, I have an A6 allroad 2013 245hp with the s tronic 7 speed gearbox. The car is on 113,000 miles. The problem im having is when the car is cold,when coming to a stop,the downshift from 2nd to 1st seems quite rough,the car will try to jump forward and the change is not smooth. This only happens when the car is cold and once warmed up,becomes very smooth as it should be. Every other gear change is fine. Just that I'm slightly concerned whether this could be the beginning of a serious problem. I've heard that sometimes these cars can benefit from a clutch adaption? Though I'm not sure if that's correct. As of yet I haven't had the car scanned for fault codes as I currently don't have vagcom. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same or similar problems and might be able to help. Many thanks in advance for any help or advice. Thanks
  2. Mine actually turned out to be the heater matric leaking,I managed to stop it using some radiator stop leak additive,I know some people advise against using this, but it was either that or taking half the dashboard out to fix the problem so I took a chance. No longer have the car now as gearbox gave up on it,now got a more modern A6
  3. Thankyou will have a look at this
  4. Hi everyone,so I have a problem with water getting into the drivers side footwell,all other areas in the car are dry. Unsure whether this is a coolant leak from somewhere or rain water getting in,so far I have checked the drainage points around the front scuttle panel ( the ones I can see anyway ),all window and door seals are in good condition. I'm leaning more towards a coolant leak as it seems to be using quite a bit more than normal ( no leaks around engine bay ). I have not taken anything apart yet but their appears to be a pipe running underneath the car on drivers side exactly where its getting wet,im guessing this is a coolant or air con pipe but I have no idea. I'm worried about other potential damage this damp could do to the electrics etc plus it's causing the windows to fog up most of the time while driving so need to get this fixed quickly,but I really don't know where to start looking. Any help would be massively appreciated,thankyou
  5. Sounds very strange their is no English language in the settings,think it's worth speaking to some of the independent audi garages also,much cheaper than the dealer,hope you get it sorted
  6. Hi, maybe something that could be sorted with ODIS,maybe needs reprogramming etc? Though I'm sure the audi dealer would have had access to that. Been having issues with my MMI for months and still not solved it,nightmare when they go wrong
  7. Lol unfortunately think mines being causes by more than sweet wrappers,it started off with just the drivers side misting up no matter what setting the heaters were on Last night was out in the car in wet weather and the whole screen is completely fogged up,if I turn on the heaters onto demist it actually makes it worse instead of clearing it haha. Also strangely if I have the air con set to cold on a hot day sometimes one of the vents will blow warm while the others are cold,very strange. Spoken to an air con specialist he says they are all signs that the system needs flushing and regassing,hopefully that might sort it
  8. This one is an 2005 so 17 years old,been a fantastic car but just recently getting loads of little problems with it so trying to get everything fixed,as dont really want to get rid of the car
  9. Everything seems dry,dont seem to have any water getting in that I can tell,think im going to get it booked in to be regassed as the warm air also stinks at times so guessing it needs flushing through and recharged. I've also heard their are drain channels on these cars that block up and can allow moisture to get in,but im not sure where these are on the car
  10. "Regassing"
  11. Hi thanks for your reply,as far as I can tell its the original screen,still has the original audi stickers on etc,though this one is not a heated screen with the elements in it,been out in the car tonight and it's getting really bad,actually makes it worse if I use the air con and demister settings to try and clear it,could this possibly be that it needs regarding?? It's not been done in the last 2 years I've had the car
  12. Hi everyone have got an annoying fault with my A6 avant,the drivers side of windscreen is constantly misted up,unless I have one or two windows down on a warm day. Especially at night time it's a pain having to wipe it clear all the time,once misted up it seems almost impossible to clear with all the heaters/demisters set to max, but the passengers side is completely clear. The rest of the heater system seems to work fine. I also recently changed the cabin filters as they were pretty bad,but this hasn't made any difference to the fault.has anyone else had this problem,or got any idea what might be causing it? Would appreciate any help,thanks
  13. Hi everyone I'm new to the forum,really hoping to get some help and advice with my car if possible. The car is an A6 C6 Avant and been having lots of trouble with the MMI. So one day everything stopped working and I traced the fault down to the control head and the amp,I replaced both of these and had the component protection removed at a local garage. I also made sure I matched the part numbers when I replaced them. Now I have no sound from the radio,the cd player/changer recognises their are discs in their but is constantly stuck on pause?? Everything else works but the only sound I get is from the sat nav or the Bluetooth to make and recieve calls. The only difference I noticed is that thd new control head appears to have come from an A6 allroad im guessing as it has the suspension settings which the avant obviously doesn't have. Does this mean the control head might be the cause of the problems as it could be using a different software? Completely run out of ideas how to sort this and hoping the more experienced guys on here may be able to point me in the right direction,I have access to vagcom and can put the scan details in here if needed,thanks in advance for anyone that can help
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