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Everything posted by bph

  1. Following up on this topic, I'm a new member and recently imported my RS6 C6 series and live in SE London. Security is something now on my mind! I see here and some forums on rs246.com and seeing the Ghost II is highly recommended. I've contacted them and will look at local installers - if any recommended please do let me know. Question is - what else? I've always found the steering locks to be a ball-ache to put on and off, and store and question how effective they are as if you're comfortable getting past the RS security, a steering lock isn't going to be difficult. But thoughts? And any other experience eon the glass anti-break film? Any recommendations for our premium member discount suppliers appreciated too?
  2. Hi Angela, I've just done the same. Did you ever work this out?
  3. I'd be interested in good car covers too. And if any of our premium discount suppliers are a good option?
  4. Hi all, new to this club and just returned to UK after some time down under, with my C6 RS6 wagon called Lizzie… pictured here in her best fresh after getter her hair done (paint protection). Good to meet you all. Open to tips for good mechanic in London and anything else you recommend…
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