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Everything posted by millertime9

  1. Hi all Just recently I've noticed when I turn my steering wheel either way, even whilst stationary, there's a concerning rubbing/groaning noise which appears to ( I THINK!) come from the front passenger side wheel area. The power steering fluid seems fine, it's at max. Anyone know what this is likely to be? Is the car safe to drive until I can see a mechanic on Monday? Thank you
  2. Hi, my car got serviced yesterday and now the MPG calcs are acting weird Ie, on "2" setting which is the long term mpg, it fluctuates all over the place! I had the spark plugs and all filters changed, is it possible they reset fuel trims or something and that's cleared settings and will take a while to settle down? Thanks
  3. Ah really!?!? Just pure petrol and a rag? And that won't stain the fabric?
  4. Previous owner had someone "rebond" the glass and they must have had a gorilla do it, there's silicone or glue all over the place on the back of the roof Does anyone know good products or methods for removing it without damaging the fabric? Thanks
  5. Are there upgrades that can be done? Ie better speakers or do you need to also do the headunit too? I take it the newish BT enabled screen headunits wouldn't fit? Mine is current basic audi symphony one What's the standard amp that's in the back? Thanks!
  6. Having changed my own roof motor successfully and feeling confident, I'm now up for servicing myself! Is there a how to for oil changes, filters etc anywhere that anyone knows of? Are spark plugs easily changed on these? Re air filters, does anyone recommend anything other than the standard ? Thank you
  7. Woohoo! It was indeed the motor, working Like a dream now Interestingly, when !Removed! the new motor to the pump, the bolts are as tight as they go but there's a very very slight bit of movement between the motor and pump, really really tiny amount, but does thar sound right?
  8. Hi thanks, I'm in Glasgow though! Have ordered a motor, hopefully that's all it is Wonder if it maybe even just needs fluid topped up? Nightmare to get to it though yo check so will wait for the motor to arrive and check Any ideas how to top the fluid up?
  9. Thanks, what software do you need to properly diagnose?
  10. Hi, can you give me some pointers on where to check? It is weird as it worked fine for a few weeks after buying it then just stopped operating properly and no flashing error light or anything, just pops then nothing else I'm struggling to find ant diagrams of where the sensors etc are, can you help?
  11. No nobody near who can do one for me Is it daft me buying a motor just incase it isn't that? I can get a motor and pump for £280, as opposed to £140 just for motor, am I better doing that? The fact it pops open a few cm then nothing apparently suggests it's the motor only?
  12. I can see replacement motors on ebay for about £140 which is great but daft question... is there a "pump" too? What are the chances it's the motor as opposed to the pump I need replaced? Thanks
  13. I need to change my rear indicator bulb When I use my 8mm socket to try and undo the nut in the boot, it just turns and turns and turns without ever actually getting the bolt part out Am I doing something daft!?
  14. It's interesting as it was fine Then one day my wee boy was placing his bag into the boot and since then it didn't work Could the tray being nudged have done something?
  15. Agreed, but I don't want to even go back to him, already had issues with a broken pcv valve, spring and a few other things! Is there a guide to get to the roof motor?
  16. Hiya, trade But bought it from Eastleigh with me being in Glasgow!
  17. Hi all, bought my 2006 a4 cab few weeks back One day the roof wouldn't close, so I manually closed it Now though, it unlatches at the windscreen but doesn't go any further, roof opening light on dash stays constant, no blinking When I push down to close it electronically, it does close itself Does this sound like the motor itself? I've seen someone on ebay offering a refurb which I'll go for, but is there a guide to accessing it to remove? Any chance I'll notice it just needs a fluid top up when I have access to it? If so, what fluid does it take? Thank you!
  18. So excited, due on Wednesday Expect lots of questions, I warn you all now haha First one is going to be re a remap!
  19. Hello all Is this a B7 model? Please view this ad: Audi, A4, Convertible, 2006, Semi-Auto, 1781 (cc), 2 doors, https://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/audi-a4-convertible-2006-semi-auto-1781-cc-2-doors/1442478662 Price: £ 2,950 Download the application from the Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gumtree.android It's been sat in the guys garage for 4 years which both encourages and worries me! Anything I should be looking for in particular? Thank you
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