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  1. @En4n wow that seems like a really good idea to be fair! I'm pleased to see this post is helping others who have experienced similar issues. Awful design flaw for certain! Shockingly, around 18 months since my issue with this and I'm having to send it back to Audi next week as I experienced this issue again where I noticed a damp smell in my car, this time on my drivers side as we experienced heavy rain in UK last couple of weeks - that said, luckily, it did dry itself out this time as I left my roof down all day when it was really hot last Friday and it's dried itself up; and as it's been less than 2 years since Audi Watford repaired it for £960.00, it's still under manufacturer warranty so they'll investigate again free of charge. I also make sure I send my car to Audi Hatfield now rather than Audi Watford; Audi Watford are very untrustworthy and have lost me as a customer and the service I've received since I've been going to Audi Hatifled is far more pleasant. If costs are of concern Audi do offer a thing called Bumper.com which is basically Klarna for pricy car repairs at 0% - For specialist jobs like this, If one can't resolve themselves I'd take it to Audi directly as you get warranty if anything goes wrong and can hold them accountable.
  2. Hey Gareth Not sure what the difference is between independent and a trusted body shop is but I have no aversion to your suggestion at all; I just wanted Audi to diagnose the problem and then go from there and then was happy to go with the most affordable option. The problem itself is fairly minuet, but for some reason Audi have said it takes 8 hours to remove to leaves and twigs and dry out the carpet lol. Is what it is, it doesn't seem like there is an easy way around this and unfortunately and I am unable to repair it myself for free, although I wish I knew how to! Thanks for your assistance on this.
  3. Got an update on this guys! Had my car into my local Audi garage today and they've come back informing me that it requires cleaning to unblock the drains and removal of the carpet etc to drain out the water. They have said no parts are required, but it's quite a lengthy procedure at 8 hours labour as (apparently) they need to strip a load of parts off to get to the bit that requires cleaning. Audi have given me some good will on the labour cost, but it's still extremely expensive. They basically reduced the cost from £1622 (incl. VAT) which also includes the inspection fee down to £960 (incl. VAT) which works out at £120 per hour (incl. VAT) x 8 hours. I'm feeling an Audi specialist with a cheaper labour rate might be the way forward on this - Audi are daylight robbery, even with the good will discount 😞
  4. Thanks @Magnet - My plan is to give it to Audi just for the diagnosis at least and see what they come back with and go from there. I'll keep you posted on further developments. I came across this YouTube video which seems to be a very similar issue on a MK1 Audi TT Roadster - This one is for a MK1 but I assume the same logic applies for the MK3's - I'll let you know once I know for sure what the issue is - Hopefully it's something that can be remedied easily without a huge cost!
  5. Thanks @Magnet @Steve Q - I've attached a couple of photos (one of where the leak is occurring and the other where I think the leak is coming from which I have temporarily put a micro fibre cloth over to hopefully stop some of the water ingress getting in) The seals all look intact to me and nothing unusual by looking at it. I've booked it into Audi for a diagnosis, but let's be real Audi are going to do whatever they can to financially sting me with the cost of the repair. This is the 2nd issue this year I've had as a result of water ingress in my Audi. It's not brand new but it's still not what I expect from a MK3 Audi TTS which should be built better. I never had any water ingress issues with my previous Mercedes or BMW.
  6. Hi Audi fam I drive a 2016 Audi TTS Roadster and noticed on the weekend when I got into my car that their was a pungent smell of damp in the car. After some self-investigating I established this was due to the carpet on the rear of the passenger seat becoming soaking wet which I expect is a result of the heavy rain we've had in the UK in the past couple of weeks. I believe the water is somehow coming in via the seals on the passenger side panel as there is no wet coming from the roof of the car etc. Has anyone experienced a similar issue before? Having looked on YouTube it looks like it could be down to the drain pipe in the side panel becoming clogged with debris which is causing the water to become trapped within, but this is just a guess at the moment. Have booked it in with Audi in the meantime, but any tips or tricks as to what might help would be appreciated. TIA Jordan Owner of Audi TTS Roadster 2016
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