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  1. Thanks Steve. Ya I was very lucky with panels. A deep polish should sort it. Pity about the light though. Can't have been broken by much
  2. I was speaking to a neighbour since who is a bit of a part time mechanic. he said he could code the light to the car if needs be. pic below of the damage. it's so minor its a shame the whole unit needs replacing. I know the lens can be changed separately but it looks finicky. I might look at it after the job is done and sell it as a replacement for someone else.
  3. Hi Steve, Is that relatively straightforward? If I use the module from my own light instead of the replacement one I assume it won't need to be coded? Once its not a pain to swap out that is
  4. didnt chance it. went with the latter one even though the serial is slightly different. I rang Audi and they said that based on the model of the car, the serial of the replacement is actually the unit that should be in it. Maybe the drivers side was replaced already. In any case, I decided to go for it because I mightn't get it again. €800. The chap in Audi said they are €4,874 new 🫠
  5. in addition to the above, this is a RHD replacement which more or less matches mine apart from the sticker being white but I assume the unit is from 2018 so that might be the reason.
  6. As per a separate post, I've to replace a driver side matrix headlight on my 2015 A8 following a little bump from the mother. I've been trawling the breakers and have found one but wanted to ask a few basic questions. Firstly, does it matter if the donor car is left-hand drive? I assume it's the same headlight regardless? I've attached two pics - the first is the sticker on my headlight; the second is the sticker on the possible replacement (left hand drive). I notice some of the figures don't match - primarily the one hightlighted with a yellow underline 3719 vs 3718A - is it a big deal? Should I stick to getting a RHD replacement to be safe?
  7. https://www.auto-doc.ie/valeo/10381931?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=orderConfirmation&utm_term=link2&deep_link=orderConfirmation&kmtx_hash=eyJtaWQiOiJ1aWQtNjZiNjRhYjY3NDNkNjQuMjA1NDg2NTQiLCJob3N0IjoiYXV0by1kb2MuaWUiLCJjaWQiOjE0OTU1NzkyMiwidHlwZSI6Im9yZGVyQ29uZmlybWF0aW9uIn0%3D That's it there. "original part" but not genuine I'd imagine
  8. That's interesting. I'll see how it goes.
  9. Ah cool, I might give it a go. If it fails it's a small price to pay to try.
  10. I got a genuine one from autodoc. The headlight is a pain. Only the lens is cracked but I know it means a whole new unit
  11. Thanks Gareth. I'd imagine so. Hopefully anyway. I bought a replacement anyway. Will report back to update for any one else that might be wondering
  12. Long story short but my mother backed into my car earlier and did a small bit of damage incl the parking sensor. I disconnected the sensor and cleared the codes but the parking assist light is still flashing and none of the front sensors are working. I assume because one sensor is damaged the system has just essentially shut it down until I get it fixed? Have the unenviable joy of replacing the matrix headlight as well but that's another story 😞😞😞
  13. So I took the trim off again as it was still squeaking. Am I correct in saying that the end of the airbag is missing a clip? You can see the clip further left, and there is a hole and tag at the end of the airbag that would suggest it should be clipped?
  14. a lot looks similar so this is useful. thanks for the link!
  15. Hi Jason, thanks for posting. I actually managed to open it last night. the A-pillar is one long piece that goes all the way back past the B-pillar. I needed to open the front end of the c-pillar trim to get to a fixing that was holding the A-pillar in place. The way to get to it is to remove the reading light first which is pretty straighforward (pry it open it from the pointy end of the light as there is a spring clip there). Once that was out I was able to access the fixing holding the back end of the trim piece. I was able to open a lot of the a-pillar - however the front end is held with a cable tie at the base (strange, but definitely factory as I check the other side and it was the same). it's also pretty well connected to the airbag. But I was able to open it enough to get some adhesive backed foam on the a-pillar itself so hopefully that might do something for me. if not at least i know how to get back in - but patience is wearing thin! i'll see how it goes and will post an update if necessary in the off chance it might help someone in the future.
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