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Everything posted by daveyboy1967

  1. Quick question Steve, I noticed on another thread you were talking about relocating the CCM to the glovebox. Did you ever get around to it and do you know if it's a big job? I'm guessing it would involve splicing in longer wiring?
  2. Yes mate, identical. On the same subject is anyone here able to look up parts numbers from the vin number?
  3. I've found a replacement CCM, should be here in 2-3 days. Bit of a bargain too, £65 including delivery. It's supposedly working perfectly but I'll let you know when I've had a chance to fit it.
  4. Yeah mate, that was a whole load of hassle in itself but got there in the end. I did think about that but my car's my daily driver and I need it to get to work. I just want to swap it out for a known and tested good unit in one go. I'll try to salvage my old one when it's out of the car and if I can save it I'll stick it on Ebay once it's serviceable.
  5. Hi all, I'm replacing the CCM thanks to the old water in the footwell problem which I've now solved thanks to the advice I found on here. I realised what the problem was due to the key fobs not working and the soaking wet carpet. I have a few other minor but annoying electrical issues and I was wondering if they might be related to the CCM too. So my question is this, does anyone have a definitive list of what functions the CCM actually controls? Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I got some on Amazon that work fine, admittedly my car's a 2003 model so it may not be as fussy as newer models but I just had a quick look and these seem to fit the bill GBrite - 2x Bax9s 8 smd led reverse bulbs for Audi A3 S3 RS3 8v Xenon White Canbus Error Free : Amazon.co.uk: Automotive Only a tenner so worth a punt I reckon. I hate dim reversing lights too.
  7. Yeah, I realised this after I finished. I was hoping someone might know before I pull the scuttle etc off again. Kicked myself after mate.
  8. Hi all, looking for a little help as this has me stumped. I've just changed the battery on my '03 A6 1.9TDI and there's an extra lead spurred off from the positive battery cable about 6 inches back from the terminal clamp. It looks like it's OE rather than a DIY botch job for an extra power lead and it's about 12 inches long with what appears to be a sensor on the end (could be a terminal/connector of some sort but I've never seen one like it). I don't think it was connected to anything before I got started on the battery swap but it could be that I inadvertently pulled it loose when I removed the old battery. I can't find anything for it to connect to within reach of the cable so I replaced the battery and left it loose. Everything is working fine as it did before but it must be there for a reason. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance, Dave
  9. Hi Steve, just wondering how this all played out and whether you were able to save your car? I was in a similar situation with mine but due to a rotted back axle MOT failure, my mechanic (who's a trusted friend) advised me that a decent axle would be difficult to find due to the age and the best course of action would be to scrap and/or break the car for spares. Anyway, I managed to find a remanufactured axle in Poland that'll probably outlive me and after about £1800 for the axle, shipping, front suspension rebuild (needed to be done) and labour the car is getting down the road well good for another few tours of duty. My mechanic mate tried to talk me out of it as he didn't think it made financial sense but the rest of the car is sound, the wife and kids love it, and it does everything I need it to do perfectly and in style. The point of all this is to say that if it makes you happy and you can afford to do it then just follow your heart, I'm glad I did.Audi A6 C5
  10. I purchased a new axle for my '03 A6 1.9tdi last week through EBay from Proauto EU. My mechanic said it was a bit of a faff to fit as some measurements were a little off, but he got there on his own. He's a very conscientious sort of guy too so he wouldn't have bodged it. Here's the link if anyone's interested, Axle Beam FORTUNE LINE FZB126 for AUDI A6 C5 (4B2) 2.0 2001-2005 | eBay It came as described and on time but be aware you will get stung for another £60 or so in import duty when it hits Customs as it ships from Poland. Back in for MOT tomorrow so if anyone's thinking of getting one I'll update this tomorrow and let you know if it's acceptable to the Ministry of Transport. Hope this helps, I would've been scrapping my car if I hadn't found it. Dave
  11. Yeah, I was surprised too. Possibly I could've got one new but the prices I saw for similar parts were ridiculous compared to the value of the car. I might've had more luck using a garage but I like to do my own maintenance where possible and I have a stubborn streak! Had to work late on it as I was using my wife's Peugeot 206 Noddy-mobile and neither of us were happy about that. Seriously though, try to find an 8P2955023G on EBay, couldn't believe how hard it was.
  12. Yeah, had to wait for the wife and kids to go to bed so I had some peace and quiet to take measurements and work out what was needed, you know how it is! 😂
  13. Problem solved, to cut a long story short I bought a similar Audi motor/linkage assembly, swapped the motors over, and did some judicious grinding on one of the linkages to achieve the desired throw on the wiper arms. More of a faff than it should've been but I got there in the end. If anyone has the same problem finding this particular linkage (8P2955023G) feel free to drop me a line and I'll be happy to explain in more detail, and thanks for everyone who offered help.
  14. Hi Steve, and thanks for the help. Funnily enough I read your reply after trying to find the part I need and discovering that the part used on some Scirrocos of that era looks identical. My part number is 8P2955023G, the Scirocco part is only different in the 8P2 designation but looks the same so possibly this could be what I'm looking for. Dave
  15. Hi, and thanks for the reply. I've been trying online breakers for about a week now and no joy, I think mine is a bit of a "crossover/parts bin" model and every time I've found a breaker's description that seems to fit the bill I've sent my VIN no. to doublecheck and the parts don't match. It's getting very frustrating for something you'd think would be a pretty easy part to find.
  16. Hi all, I realise this is far from being the most exciting model in the lineup but I really love mine and I'm struggling to find a part. The front wiper linkage has disintegrated and I can't find one anywhere listed for this model. Does anyone have one available please or know if this part was used on any other models in the VAG group? Fingers crossed and thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me. Dave Edit: The motor itself is fine but I'd be equally happy with the complete unit if there's one out there.
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