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  1. @cliffcoggin Ah I see - thanks cliff. Yeah my thoughts also seeing as the two problems were 6 months apart. Is there any possibility the remap could be anything to do with it? I had a VAG mechanic tell me it smelled like it's running rich due to the remap. And would it be worth getting someone to look at the points made by the fella in that video (MAF sensor, Inlet air leak, EGR valve)? Thanks a lot 🙂
  2. @Steve Q Possibly mate not too sure , I just gave them the keys and waited in the reception if I'm remembering correctly. Was done in 2020 so bit fuzzy. What could this have to do with my problem? Thanks
  3. @Steve Q Yeah I did think they'd be bound to deny it. I'm not sure what you mean by rolling road - It was done at Junction 28 remaps in Mansfield, quite reputable as far as I'm aware. thanks
  4. @cliffcoggin Hi Cliff, Thanks for the links - the satire made it bearable 😂 It's more of a case of it not regenerating at all rather than it blocking too soon I believe. Plus the fact the DPF light is on but not showing any fault codes lead us to believe there's something going on in the ECU, not too sure though. In the second video he mentions the possibility of multiple other factors that could be the cause of the problem, rather than the actual DPF being faulty - one being leaky fuel injectors. This reminded me, last August I had to have a few injector seals replaced as they were a bit naff and could possibly have leaked fuel, is there anything I can check in regards to this to do with the DPF? The video has furthermore put me off getting the DPF deleted also so would love to get to the bottom of this. Many thanks!
  5. Hi people. 2011 1.6 TDI A3 8P **I had a stage 1 remap and EGR delete done in 2020** Been having no end of problems with my DPF over the last month or so. It started about a couple months when my car went into limp mode after the DPF light had been on for a couple days - I got a technician to come out and force regen it to which the light disappeared and all was well until the light came back on a week later (with no fault code showing when scanned - odd). After driving round at high RPM it still wasn't budging, took it to the garage (went into limp mode on the way there) had the DPF chemically cleaned, engine temp sensor and DPF pressure sensor replaced to no avail as the light still shows and doesn't regenerate. It isn't blocked (yet) and all the parameters for regeneration are being reached but it just isn't doing so. Rang the place I had my remap done to see if it could be anything to do with the ECU but they said that won't be the case. I've booked in to have my ECU reverted back to factory settings to see if that will do anything but that won't be for another couple months so I'm trying not to drive it incase it goes into limp mode and causes more damage before then. I've been advised to have the DPF removed and remapped but I'd rather not unless it's the only option left, could anyone advise any other things I could try before doing this? Need to sort this out ASAP ideally as I have read continuous blockage/limp mode can damage the car even further. Any help would be majorly appreciated! Thanks in advance
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