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a6blacked007 last won the day on May 12 2023

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    A6 A4 A1
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  1. Abs sensor or harness is top culprit check wiring ...
  2. End to the story was ecu replacement fitted all is well ....
  3. I have yokohama all season GEOLANDAR decent tyres.
  4. Just hope this is definitely the problem
  5. The electrical guy couldn't remove unit ( done more harm then good ) so it's away to be cloned posted down to Cornwall.
  6. Cheers Steve appreciated
  7. How to remove x2 circled red sections without damage ? Seems like what's holding it in place the silver weld. Local electrician is giving a look before a pay £499 for new unit
  8. So its all been checked and wiring maf and other components are fine so possible ecu issue (audi specialist) Anyone know how to remove internal ecu from case
  9. What do you think of hella maf units
  10. Cheers Steve.... Funny enough since cleaning oxygen sensor that fault code has not returned.... just maf ..
  11. Hi going through carista air mass value is stuck on 249.99
  12. Ho Steve thanks for your reply that code only came up because a ran car with sensor unplugged and removed from exhaust off car cleared after reinstalled but 02 sensor running rich has always been there since I have owned car ... Do you think replacing o2 sensor would be best to do 1st Regards mark
  13. Cleaned maf and map with brake cleaner along with no1 02 sensor Steve don't want to go throwing parts at it as these sensors are expensive but sure where too look next. Wondering if maf needed a drive to confirm flow as I just fitted and started car then removed ...
  14. No, Steve is running perfectly, tbh I thought by trying me friends, maf, yesterday fault would clear as he has same engine but it never cleared with carista
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