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  1. Thank you Steve, I will have a look at this in two weeks time currently away with work
  2. Hi Steve thanks again for your advice So I tried as you suggested, took the feed pipe off the outer housing turned the ignition on, absolutely nothing. Tried this multiple times. Put the pipe back on remove the bench seat and access panel to the filter, tried turning the car on to see if I could hear the pump. Every time I turn the key past ignition to start, I can hear the pump for a second before engine turns over and for a second after engine is turned off. I’m confused now, does this mean the pump is being told not to prime the system or does it mean it doesn’t actually prime on just ignition? Joe
  3. Thank you! I will try this in the morning Joe
  4. Hi Steve, the assisting pump you refer to there is no panel on the n/s rear seat pan only on the o/s for the main lift pump, would this mean there isn’t an assisting pump? what I have noticed, I’ve tried turning the ignition on for 10 seconds and off and only can hear the pump every so often not each time the ignition is on. I’d except to hear it kick in each time or am I wrong? Many Thanks Joe
  5. Thank you Steve I will take a look at the connector after work.
  6. Hi All my first post on here i'm hoping some on is able to assist me Last week I had the coil light flashing at me with code P0087 Fuel rail pressure too low, at 1.5/2k rpm in 4th, after clearing it would come on again similar revs and gear cruising country lanes If accelerating hard coil light would not come on. I changed the fuel filter, fuel was clear in the housing. Now the coil light will come on anytime randomly when driving steady or harsh. What has me puzzled is that if when trying to drive hard the fuel can successfully be supplied can this be a pump issue? The only common scenario is it seems to come on when on rough road i've noticed, never on the 15 mile daily stretch of dual carriage way If someone could assist would be greatly appreciated
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