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Daniel9944 last won the day on June 15 2023

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    Audi A6 saloon
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Community Answers

  1. Hi Ally, it might not be the case with you, but it took me 3 different guys to find the problem they were all looking for! I suggest trying another mechanic/electrician who might find damage on wiring!
  2. Hi there, I’ve found the fault with the help of a very patient mechanic. If your guy can’t find any problems with wiring make sure to ask other mechanincs as it took me 3 different garages unfortunately also a ton of money as well. Now your case could well be different but it was the same for me and it has been solved since so is a6blacked007 as I’ve seen his comment now. Give it a shot nothing to loose there.
  3. Hi all here with a new query. I was searching through the site but couldn’t really find exact answer to my question so here it goes. Is it possible to install Apple CarPlay in A6 C7 (2013/1)? If yes do I have to buy a new screen which could be swapped with the one in the car or is there another way? It would add a lot of useful features as you all know. Thanks, Daniel
  4. Yeah I just asked him, there was some small damage in the loom between the sensor and the abs pump, he said he actually pulled a diagram of the wire and made a wire himself since you can’t bypass the fault. Not sure if that’s any help, but that’s all he told me. Hope it will help!
  5. So here again after a while, sorry it took very long but the guy I went to is so busy that’s how long I’ve waited. So turns out there was a broken wire after all even though it has been checked out first time they did not find it and this guy did now. He is 100% positive the faults will not come back and they haven’t yet but I don’t want to jinx it to be honest. He said the damage was so small that he barely found it and it takes a while but that was it. If them faults will ever come back I’ll update again! Until then problem seems to be solved for me!
  6. Just as promised here are the pics of all faults, come up all out of nothing every time always at very low speed, reversing, parking, and I think every time when I’m steering in either left or right but never when the steering wheel is looking straight forward.
  7. Same here no faults at all and all of sudden it all comes up. I’ll add picture next time I’m driving. Got the chance to bring it to someone has experience with that problem I got appointment for the 15th of May so I’ll wait with everything until he might be able to tell me more. I’ll update after that.
  8. yeah same here it always clears with restart every time. What I’ve noticed is they always come on when I’m steering, parking, reversing so always at low speed. I’m waiting on pricing for a new wheel hub and get that changed for start and we’ll see how that goes. My main question is that how will I pass on nct if my problem isn’t solved until then?
  9. Hi Gareth, i think we just didn’t get each other. Yes I’m definitely going to get it changed as I have basically nothing to lose. Once I’m over that I’ll post update again! Thanks, Daniel
  10. I haven’t got carista but this must be a sign to get it, probably worth it in the long run. After the wheel hub was first cleaned an electrician gone through all the wires connected from and to the abs sensor looking for any damage but all wires were in good enough condition and they couldn’t find anything there. So again at the same place I haven’t got a clue where to turn. It’s really annoying but I’ll keep looking…
  11. Sorry Gareth you mean lack of mention of possible solution suggested by the garage or here on the forum? Because sadly none of the garages I’ve been suggested anything at all! All the ideas were tried from this forum but nothing has solved the problem just yet. Sorry I’m a bit clueless at this point especially since nct is coming up in less than a month and I won’t pass like that for sure… Thanks, Daniel
  12. Sorry I wasn’t clear. So the hub was cleaned once before. After that first cleaning all the problems and messages stopped appearing for about a month but they came back later on. Because that worked I tought this could work again and if that is the case that can possibly mean changing the hub would solve the problem for good. So for the second time the hub got cleaned this Tuesday and I was full of hope, but that same day the warning lights came on again. So this time cleaning the hub didn’t do any good. If your advice is still changing the hub I might give it a shot since nobody has any idea what could it be. I hope it’s clear now. Thanks, Daniel
  13. well the first time this seemed like a good solution as after cleaning the hub messages waited off about a month or maybe more to come back. But at this time warning are alL back after 24 hours unfortunately.
  14. Update again, lights all came back yesterday… no idea what ti do neither the garage has any…
  15. Morning everybody, I have a little update here. I’ve been at the garage on Monday and they have cleaned the wheel hub on the front left wheel. Since then there are no warning lights coming up at all so far it seems like it has solved the problem but I’m still a bit worried that they will just simply come back some day. If they do they might have to change the hub it could be some small damage on it which is causing the ABS sensor to go off. If we get there I’ll let y’all know! Thanks for all the help anyway so far!
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