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Everything posted by Toby73

  1. Hi Davie, No I never got to the bottom of it. I still have the car but it has been off the road since June last year - I keep meaning to get round to fixing it so I can sell it. Someone recently gave me the name of a garage fairly local to me who are Audi wizards apparently so I keep meaning to take it over there. I see that you have exactly the same issue - I will update you if they manage to find the cause but if you work it out first I'd really appreciate you letting me know what it was. Good luck with yours!
  2. Many thanks Steve 1 and Steve 2! Sorry I have only just seen these responses - it's in the garage today so I forwarded your comments in case it helps them. Waiting for the dreaded phone call! Will post an update if there is anything interesting to report
  3. I have a 2014 A6 Avant and I'm getting a really strange power loss when driving that lasts for less than a second.... I could be in any gear and it's not just when accelerating, but if I am accelerating hard the power loss is much more noticeable - really jolts the car and throws you forward in your seat. To passengers it feels like I have dabbed the brakes. If it happens when I'm pulling away it feels like I have stalled but then the power comes back. It's like some kind of extreme mis-fire. This happens on average once a day. Another issue I have which might help diagnose the first problem (if they are related) is that I'm losing coolant but it's been into the garage and they say there is no apparent leak from the tests they've done and they have checked the oil for any milky-ness. I'm thinking maybe head-gasket but wouldn't I be seeing more regular symptoms and milky oil? Starting it seems a little rough and sluggish and very occasionally it doesn't turn over first time but have replaced the battery. Seems to run fine once started. I'm not sure what checks you do for a head gasket but pretty sure the garage looked into that. I'm really hoping all these mystery problems are somehow related but have a feeling it is going to be expensive. If anyone can help with advice I would appreciate it. It's going back into the garage next week for another look but they seem to be scratching their heads too.
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