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Cantata last won the day on December 2 2024

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    A6 Avant 3.0 TDI S-Line
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  1. Thanks for that. Symptoms point to the outer handle cable broken, hope it’s that simple!
  2. Thanks alpha omega. On mine the lock is definitely making a noise when triggered by the key buttons, so maybe it's something inside the lock itself that's failed. Anyway I'll put up with it for now until the weather warms up....!
  3. I have exactly the same problem, started yesterday. Looked on youtube but haven’t found an entry there yet that gives me confidence to tackle it.
  4. Ok thanks guys, my local garage has agreed to do the job for £25-£30 and I’ll return the OBD2 thingy to Amazon.
  5. So should any decent garage be able to do it?
  6. I'm sure this must have been covered somewhere but I couldn't find it on a search. My 2012 S-Line Avant 3.0 TDi at last needs a new battery - yes, it really has lasted 14 years. So I found one last week, got a good price on a Bosch-branded replacement, assuming I could simply replace it myself. However when I looked online to check there were no snags with fitting it, I realised that the online diagnostics need to be accessed to 'tell' the car that it has a new battery. Question is, could I do this myself using one of the 'OBD2' access dongles that you can buy for £20-£30 on e.g. Amazon, or do I really have to get a garage to do it? I actually bought one of these gadgets, a XTool AD20 Pro, but looking at it I'm doubtful as to whether it will do the job - it just seems to be about reading and resetting fault codes. Maybe I should return it and just take the car to a garage.
  7. Not tried seriously yet, Steve.
  8. Thanks Steve, I did a MMI reset and we'll see if that fixes it.
  9. First long journey for a while in my 2012 A6 S-Line 3.0TDI Avant, which I've owned for 9 years. Strange happenings on my satnav. Have established a route from Norfolk back to Kent, it worked fine for the first hour or so then started wanting to divert me all over the place because of 'road closures' that simply did not exist. My wife had Waze going on her phone beside me to reassure us there were actually no problems at all en route. The map showed where we were, no problem with that, it just wanted us to go anywhere but the direct plotted route. In the end when I had finished the first section of the journey and knew the way home from there, I cancelled the set route. It was as though the satnav suddeny started reading loads of historic data about closures. I presume the Highways traffic system wasn't transmitting all this nonsense! Anyone seen anything like this? Is there perhaps a 'reset' option that will clean up the Nav system back to factory defaults? While I'm on, does anyone happen to know of an Ebay seller who can supply a map update for this car? I tried a few a while ago but none of them could do it.
  10. No idea why first name. Except it's actually Richard and I probably put in its common abbreviation! Point about main dealers most definitely taken. Normally never go near the place.
  11. Good enough for me, Steve Q, thank you!!
  12. I have a 2012 A6 Avant SE 3.0Tdi. Lovely car, only 75K miles. Mid-40's mpg on average and 50+ on a long trip. I visited my Audi dealership recently (first time in years) with a query about Bluetooth. They told me there's a recall on this car, '23Z2', re emissions, presumably to do with the VW emissions scam. I've looked in the 'recalls' section on this website but there's no mention of A6's or this '23Z2' recall. Anyone had it done? I'm very wary of having it done in case it screws up what is a very nice car indeed.
  13. Thanks Steve, I'll have a go at it later this week.
  14. Hi Steve, yes, thanks for responding, I've tried that, makes no difference. The thing worked perfectly for years before this!
  15. I've posted before on here about the location of the Bluetooth electrical module on my 2012 A6 Avant. Bluetooth won't connect to any phone, problem appeared during the first long lockdown when the car didn't go anywhere for about 2 months. The MMI software for Bluetooth control appears to be OK, the set-up questions all run through OK but it simply won't connect, to either an iOS or an Android phone. I'm told that the module is under the left-hand side floor somewhere but I don't know where. I did have a grovel beneath the passenger seat today and found a wiring compartment sunk into the floor beneath a plastic cover. The photo below shows it, there doesn't seem to be anything much there apart from some connectors. The same is present beneath the driver's seat. I'm not looking at the Bluetooth kit, am I? (Apologies for the grubby carpet!). If the Bluetooth module is elsewhere beneath the passenger floor, does anyone know how to get under the carpet? Along the door side of the carpet, it looks to be pinned down by the plastic trim, is that trim held in on clips and will it readily pop out if I lever it? I realise the seat needs to come out first, that looks easy enough.
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