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  1. How hard is it to replace the clutch on this plz been asked by a friend if I could do it for him. Looks hard going by YouTube thought I would ask on here from your experience
  2. I done mine yesterday it came in a box with a cap on either side of the new filter left one cap on ate the front of it the way the arrow was poi tingtook rear cap of put my pipe on it with a small funnel attached to it filled filter with diesel took my pipe off put cap back on took cap off the front put pipe back on from car done the same to the rear of the filter fitted pipe pitkt all back together started first time no bleeding needed job done.
  3. Hi all I have a audi a4 2014 2.0 tdi. The issue I'm having is at very low revs there is an awful screeching noise coming from turbo area but on excceleration it goes away I have narrowed it down to the boost controller actuator not sure if that's goosed or its the waste gate flap inside. You can hold revs at 1.5 and 20230601_152620.mp4 20230601_152620.mp4 20230601_152244.mp4 20230601_152553.mp4 the screeching is there but rev it more you can see the actuator moving down the way and noise stops instantly anyone had this problem before and what was your resolve please. Scot
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