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    A4 avant
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  1. Hi just wanted to let you know I’ve had my alarm mended. Audi had it for 4 days and replaced the alarm battery thing. When I got it home it started again. Local garage fitted new battery and are going to do repairs on 12/11. I did get £250 off my bill from Audi. My thoughts are it just needed a new battery and not the other part. Thanks for all your advice and support. I’m never setting foot in an Audi garage again. sarah
  2. Thanks so much Gareth. Halfords said it’ll need replacing in the next few months. Audi tell me it has a dead cell and is urgent. I’ll follow your advice and get a quote from my local guy. your time and patience have made me feel so much better. Thank you. Sarah x
  3. Hi Gareth these are Audi quotes hence only having the alarm done as it’s going off constantly. My local garage can’t see it until 12th December. I’ve only just retired and thinking I’ll have to go back to work. I’m very grateful for all your advice as I’ve no idea and just have to rely on advice from my local garage. He’s the one who plugged it in and said it’s low voltage on the alarm but couldn’t do it for 2 weeks and I couldn’t let it go off all night disturbing everyone. I trust him and he said just get the alarm sorted and we’ll deal with everything next month. I have to say I’m trying to stay calm but still really worried. thankyou for your kindness it means a lot. sarah
  4. Hi it’s a 66 plate and been serviced every year. Thanks I’ll order that battery. They said Alarm (they’re doing that) £450 cooling housing leakage 1700£ brake fluid (
  5. Hi i just cried! the following needs doing alarm £451 (they’re doing that) Cooling leak from housing (1700£) Front brake pads 75% £570) Rear brake pads 85% (£630) OS & R/S Lower coil cups split (626£) Brake fluid (£100) Tyre £150 Diagnostic £251 even though I told them what was wrong. I am a very careful driver retired who doesn’t do many miles. There was something else but I’d lost the will by then they did a lot in January I think they just see me coming. It’s done 80k miles. saying brake disks need doing soon! You can see why I just cried and I’ve had to leave it 4 days to get alarm done so still with no car. He said we’ve cleared it 😂 im just so grateful for any advice. I had a cv joint replacement in January they quoted 2-5k and my local garage did it for £509. He is looking on 12/12 but I’m worried about this coolant thing but I’ve had no warning lights. I’ll just not drive much until he sees it. Thanks again for the battery advice. Sarah (still crying)
  6. Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice. IT’s having a new alarm thing fitted and they say it needs 4.5k of work but my local mechanic is doing that as I’m not paying that much. Out of curiosity. What battery do you recommend to purchase. Audi want 450£ for a new battery and I’m sure you’ll know which are best and cheaper. Thanks for all your help. sarah
  7. Hi Gareth thanks again for your advice. I didn’t realise Halfords would do something more than my local garage. I will take it to Halfords tomorrow. I honestly haven’t got a clue about cars and really value your support and suggestions. I’ve had no sleep and spent all day running around and tried to cut a corner rather than travelling to Halfords. I really am very grateful and not looking forward to another sleepless night. sarah
  8. Hi Joe Yhe garage who fault checked it this morning tried to clear the faults but they came back on! I’m just losing the will to live with it and just now want to find a way to stop it going off until Thursday then I guess I’ll need a mortgage to get it fixed. I’m grateful for all input. Just seen we could have a tornado coming on the south coast. Thanks just want to know if I don’t lock it will the alarm stay off.
  9. Hi no I haven’t tried that but I will if it goes off again tonight in the storm forecasted. It’s a 66 plate and i usually have it serviced and MOT locally not at the dealership. I’ve been told it needs updates but didn’t realise there’s 18 faults. Omg
  10. He put a monitor on it and said even under load it’s still in the green. I’ve now learned the alarm battery is separate and needs changed but only Audi can do that. Do you know if I leave it unlocked if it alarms itself. It’s booked for Thursday miles away but my neighbours may lynch me if it starts again tonight. He said it’s all dry despite a lot of rain last night. So it’s not because it’s wet. Audi had no solution except call RAC. I’m desperate my 90 year old neighbour got no sleep last night. I’m just looking for a temporary solution until Thursday. Thanks for all your advice I’m hugely grateful.
  11. Hi took it to my local guy who tested it and said battery is fine. Still no response from Audi. They want £216 to diagnose it. I’m hating Audis at the moment
  12. Yes it’s is the original battery and car runs fine. I’m off to Halfords thanks
  13. Someone please help me and my sleep deprived neighbours. My car alarm has been going off all night. When we switch it off it then goes off again. I took it to local garage and they plugged it in and said voltage below limit. Only way is to take it to the dealer. Leave it unlocked! Rang dealership and they are so busy they will call back and just to call RAC! looks like a month before I can book it in. That leaves my car unusable until it goes into the dealer. They still haven’t called back. Tried clearing leaves shutting doors and pressing button on inside driver door. Nothing working. Tried everything (non mechanical) suggested on here as I haven’t a clue. Is there any way of locking it without alarm until Audi can do it please? I’ve tried all I can see on utube. If I leave it open it’ll be stolen. Someone please help I’m desperate. Attached the report when garage plugged it in. It’s A4 avant S line 66 plate. I’m demented with no sleep.
  14. Thanks Steve
  15. Hi I’m new here and know absolutely nothing about cars but am willing to learn!! I have a question my A4 Avant S line 66 plate has developed a clicking noise especially over bumps and when wheel locked. I’m assuming it’s something very expensive! Wondering if anyone has any suggestions what it might be please. It’s developed over last week. Car done 77k. Any decent mechanics on south coast near Hythe you recommend as they will see me coming and know I’ve not got a clue. Thanks
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