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mstv last won the day on June 23 2023

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    A6 C8 40 TDI Quattro Black Edition
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Community Answers

  1. Perhaps post some pictures of what you're seeing and where you're stuck?
  2. How about this? https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/02/AlexaAuto/AlexaAutoManufacturersSetUpGuideAudieng.pdf (also attached, in case you don't want to click the link) AlexaAutoManufacturersSetUpGuideAudieng.pdf
  3. Thankfully the problem never happened again for me (so far), so I can't offer any further advice....
  4. Certainly some obviously feel it's not good - reading the other posts on this topic. Once I'd sorted out my own seat position, I was driving 150 miles a day 4 days a week for 9 months [until a job change reduced the commute significantly].
  5. Hi Luke, I went from owning 4 Skoda Superbs (MkIIs and then MkIIIs) into an A6 like yours. I found myself getting numbness under my thighs, and I was concerned in case it would turn out to be a showstopper. In my case, the solution was to have the seat much lower than I was previously used to. Once I'd reached that level of adjustment, I've had no further comfort issues. If you haven't tried this, it might be worth a go. Not suggesting for a moment this will resolve it for you or anyone else, it's just my experience. Have you tried also adjusting the lumbar support? I set that to the point where I could only just detect the pressure from it and no further. You might also try going on the motorway (If you can get to one quickly from starting a drive) and seeing if the problem is less after a period driving with the cruise control only - so you have minimum pedal usage (easier if you have adaptive cruise control). The only other thought is perhaps to go for a test drive in another identical model via the dealership in case there's something faulty about your specific driver's seat... Good luck!
  6. Based on this information: https://www.vwaudiforum.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/137643-Little-button-below-and-right-of-fan-speed-control?p=1037665#post1037665 ... It looks like the indicator on the left would light up if the auxiliary heating is activated remotely, or via the MMI. Whilst I've seen plenty of references to fuel-based aux heating systems in VW manuals, I've not seen it available in any of the VW group cars I've had. Suspect it's more for the colder bits of Europe.... Someone here will know more. Do you have this feature on your car?
  7. Might it be the temperature sensor referenced here? https://www.audiworld.com/forums/a6-c7-platform-discussion-194/mystery-button-climate-control-2824594/
  8. mstv

    Ad Blu

    For me the app shows "AdBlue range > 1,500 mi". On a previous Skoda Superb, more information about AdBlue range was available all the time in the car's trip computer display. Now, all I get is "it's fine" or "put some in" and nothing in between. I also seem to add AdBlue less often (much bigger AdBlue tank, more modern engine?). So is it possible that this is just how the App works, i.e. it doesn't change other than indicating you've loads of range or "you need to add some". I guess 1,500mi left is plenty of time to find some....
  9. There's two parts to the function (at least on my MY23 A6). There's lane guidance assist which aims to keep the car centered in the driving lane, and lane departure warning which aims to stop you crossing the lane boundaries. A short press of the button on the indicator stalk turns off the lane guidance assist, and a long press turns off the lane departure warning. When lane guidance is on/off a pair of little arrows at the bottom of the icon in the dash will appear (on) and disappear (off). When the lane departure system is on, you'll see two white lines (or green/red according to status) but when it's off, the two lines disappear. These systems are linked to adaptive cruise control as indicated in the owners manual. I generally leave lane departure warning on, but turn off the lane guidance assist except when on motorways or long dual carriageways...
  10. Hello J - thanks for reminding me to update this! Sadly no information from the dealership except "nothing wrong with it now, no sign of water going into something it shouldn't, some spurious errors about the camera system in the diagnostics, cleared the errors and please come back if it happens again"... Would be interested to know what your diags come back with. I don't have the capability to do them myself, but I am thinking of investing in a scanner and learning how to do things like that. cheers, Mike
  11. Fascinating correlation - thanks for providing the update, keep us posted!
  12. Has anyone experienced this or similar please?? Last night - reversed into garage - cameras all working fine. This morning - driving out of garage - no cameras working. All four cameras were showing in the usual MMI display as a camera icon with a red diagonal line through them where usually there's the image from the camera. Turned off the engine, opened and shut the door and the bonnet, restarted - now 2 of the cameras are working. Rebooted MMI, no difference. I didn't leave it off very long though in these tests, as I needed to make progress on my journey. 70 miles to work - still not working. 8.30pm coming home - all normal - all cameras operative. The only thing I can think of is that after parking last night, I filled the windscreen washer and some water overflowed the spout (enough to run down under the car). Did something get wet and cause a failure? Car booked in for a diagnostic check in a couple of weeks just in case.
  13. Interesting! I'd get it into your dealership soonest and by all means refer them to this post. I expect this is likely some known problem, as I don't see how the dealership would have come up with the fix / solution just from examining the car. Possible, but more likely it's on some kind of internal knowledgebase. So far, the issue hasn't returned. Good luck!
  14. I've a feeling that Audi pre-sense basic (front only?) is pretty standard. There are other options that can be enabled via coding and others again that also depend on certain hardware being fitted. Suggest you get the detailed list of options from your dealership's service department specific to your actual car (based on the VIN) and then you'll know what you have / haven't got.
  15. It's possible that the app just needed to refresh the data it retrieves from the car. I use this for reassurance that everything is OK and I also use it for a general OK on the oil level. When the App showed the oil level as low, it was in fact still inside the acceptable limits but it was a helpful thing to see. I usually check in the car itself as well. The app doesn't have a lot of functionality but you might want to explore it a bit more if you have time before deciding to ditch it.
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