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  1. Cheers Terry. Are these the two suspect mounts you refer to?
  2. £4,500 I'm told for the interior mods when it was 12 months old. It was a motor related noise of sorts, and it didn't persist after say 5mins. I suppose this fits with it being air suspension related, I just couldn't figure why it would be coming from the struts perhaps and not the compressor, but Terry mentions the noise could just be travelling up the chassis to the engine bay, which seems plausible. I don't mind getting my hands dirty so I suppose I could always try swopping the compressor (buy one in anticipation of it failing at some stage anyway) to see if it cures it. First thing to do I suppose is next time I run it, keep it stationary and get my head under the bonnet to try and locate the origin of the noise(s)
  3. Loyal owner of many Volvo T5's for a decade.. I then bought my first Audi and became a convert 7 years ago and was hooked. Now that my beloved A6-3.0TDI-S-L has gone to the moon with the amount of miles it has done, it has been retired in favor of something a little bigger. This was love at first sight, with the ABT styling mods, but I creamed my kegs when I saw the interior (Love the seats & trim - just can't decide about the steering wheel - and might yet swop with my perforated black leather one of my A6) So you might be able to guess.. I have a tonne of questions about noises coming from what I was told was the adaptive air suspension. It was noisy at start up and then noisy more as we drove on a bit, but eventually it settled down. The noise seemed to be coming from the engine compartment rather than where I believe the AAS pump is located low right under the driver side seat sill. The guy I bought it off said it was coming from the units for each wheel as the rubber degrades but that it was not defective, just age related noise (it is 14 years old). I'm not so sure. Curious if anyone on here recognises this one!? It's crazy wide with those flared arches and H&K spacers
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