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Everything posted by biggsy-boy

  1. Oh don’t get me started on Lane assistance! It’s wrong way more time than it’s right. Try coming off the M11 southbound onto the M25 toward Dartford. The off slip road is single lane that widens into two with the consequent sudden appearance of a white line dividing the two lanes. The Lane assistance has a total spasm which is exactly what you need in heavy traffic. Totally useless and IMO bordering on dangerous
  2. Is anyone else getting annoyed by the useless “Driver Assistance” messages that get thrown up from time to time? For example, last Friday (14 July) I was driving from M20/M25/M11 in heavy rain and heavy traffic. Whilst I was concentrating hard on driving safely, a warning note sounds so I take my eyes off the road to see if it was something important, only to be informed that the was “Limited visibility”! I can’t conceive of the circumstances that would make that a valuable piece of information that I couldn’t have found out all by myself. I’ve had an even more ridiculous message during a thunderstorm when the system helpfully told me that because the weather was so bad it couldn’t determine if there was poor visibility or not. Audi say these messages can’t be suppressed except by deactivating the weather function on the MMI. I’d love to know if other owners are finding this as frustrating as I am.
  3. Agree, utterly pointless and it makes the wrong decision most of the time. If you want a “fun” experience, try joining the M25 from the M11 southbound; the exit slip from the M11 is only one lane that widens to two lanes with the consequent appearance of a broken white line in the centre of the new lanes. It sends the lane detection into a total spasm which is just what you need in heavy traffic.
  4. Hi all, Like the title says really...I'm trying to find what aftermarket (eg Bosch) wiper blades will fit a 2021 S3 Sportback. Audi have quoted me nearly £60 for a pair of front blades (!!!) and £20 for a rear. I think a set of Bosch A985S (F) and A301H (R) will fit (maybe) but try as I might I can't find anywhere online that will confirm for definite so was wondering if anyone on here knew for certain? Cheers
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