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Everything posted by M4dm1kes

  1. I've been told it could be we're the ecu as got wet because it is a common fault on these I've checked all round the ecu and all seems to be all dry with no damp in sight can any1 help if you have had the same issues with your car
  2. Hi I have a a4 b6 2ltr petrol a couple of days ago I was out in it the car ran fine with no issues at all I parked the car up went shopping to come back and the car would not start I had some1 jump start me and the car started fine I got home and the next day I try end to start it and it will not fire up it turns over it's like it's not getting any spark to start I've had a code reader put on to it and it comes up with open bank sensor 1 I've had the camshaft sensor changed all so the rear pulse sensor changed I've checked all connections and it's still coming up as open I've also had a friend of mine put he's snapon code reader on to it and still coming up can any1 help me with this problem please many thanks michael
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