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    A6 S-line
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  1. 2.0 TDI is belt driven as far as I'm aware. My A6 is anyway 👍
  2. I think I'll still be doing mine every 5 years or as close to it as I financially can, purely for my own peace of mind. On my Audi app now it even shows up, saying it's to be changed every 225k with no time interval below it.
  3. Update: this seems to have worked. Took the unit out gave it a good wipe down and dry, put the new gasket in and haven't had any issues since. I've washed the car too so power washer over that area hasnt led to any water ingress. A cheap and painless repair. If only they were all like that.
  4. Would make sense then Steve. Will pop an update in here when I try the gasket. Just to wait about 6 weeks on delivery off AliExpress 🤣
  5. Have the very common rear (inner) indicator failure message pop up over the last couple of days. probably due to moisture/all the rain we've had. Intermittent fault, works for 5 or 6 times after turning car on then fault pops up again. Weird thing is the hazards seem to work fine when I put those on. Have taken the light unit out and it was very wet around the gasket so I'm hoping a cheap fix will do it after a good dry and replacing the gasket. Failing that, I'll replace the unit but certainly won't be with a Valeo part £££ Gasket info below on Aliexpress for anyone who's looking for the same....if it works 🤣
  6. I did Gareth, but didn't hear back from them unfortunately. I'll maybe try again via telephone rather than the online contact form. OE is obviously best but I just wanted to know if there are other options out there that would be a close/direct replacement.
  7. They lost part numbers in that link. For example DMF to replace part number XXXXXX but I don't know what part numbers are on my car and if they match up lol. Then getting someone to fit it is the next headache!!
  8. Further query on this one. Does anyone have any experience of using this? Is it a direct replacement? https://www.darksidedevelopments.co.uk/products/luk-dmf-and-clutch-kit-for-2-0-tdi-audi-b8-platform-mvt-gearbox.html Still find it hard to believe you have to go direct to a dealership for a replacement part such as this (flywheel). I have contacted this company with reg, VIN etc and they have confirmed this is the kit I'd need but have read on here about certain aftermarket flywheels that haven't fitted or the person has had problems with. Thanks DC
  9. Update on the above: Got the part form a breakers yard somewhere in England for £33 delivered to Northern Ireland. Fast shipping and in excellent working order and fitted it myself with brilliant help from the below link. Easy peasy 😁 http://davidhkblog1.blogspot.com/2018/03/fixing-audi-a6-c7-cabin-air-vent.html?m=1
  10. That was the only one I could see for sale on eBay to be honest. Managed to get the vent back in so at least it's sitting and looking right... albeit non functional.
  11. Evening all. Another gremlin has reared its ugly head unfortunately. Passenger side air vent wasn't working and after abit of fiddling to see what was going on, it's now starting to come out and won't stay back in place so will need replaced. Would any of you good folk know where I can get this part? Preferably not from Audi unless it's the right cost? I have contacted local breakers yards but haven't heard anything back from them. Below is what I think is the correct part (second and third photo) but delivery from Lithuania hikes the price. I may have to go for this if I don't have any luck. Thanks as always Darren
  12. To be fair....my owners manual says 133,000 miles and zero mention of years either.
  13. Thank Gareth. No question raised to Audi on my part. I recently bought the car and set up a general service plan with them, set up the Audi app and access to the vehicles service history through the app....then around 2 weeks later, got the courtesy call to say that since my timing belt was done with them at 70k, it's now not due until 200k. I agree with you. I won't be leaving it to chance and waiting until 200k but at the same time I won't be worrying that I have to get it done bang on the 5 year mark either. D
  14. Had an ST Ford before this and it was 10 years as well. Pleasantly surprised when Audi phoned me but I dont think I'd leaving my own much longer than the 5 years either. Not sure why they would phone out of the blue and say this though if it wasn't true 🤷🏽‍♂️
  15. Hi all My local Audi dealer phoned me last week (it's usually bad news when they phone you for no reason) and said that it was a courtesy call to inform my that recently, Audi have changed stance on the 5 years or 130k recommendation for a timing belt change and now it is only 130k regardless of years. This is providing it was done at Audi with the correct parts etc. Has anyone else had this phone call or know anything about this? Not sure I'd be leaving my car to 200k to get it's next timing belt change even if their recommendations is right lol. D
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