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Everything posted by ahin4114

  1. Yes - however the delta between the core loom and the additional elements required for the 48v system will be a single digit percentage of that total weight.
  2. Given that plug-in hybrids add roughly 100kg of weight, I would hazard that the MHEV is adding significantly less. Sadly the European regulations mean that unless Audi (and others) add these systems then the cars simply get pulled from sale. As a biker as well, I lament the day that increased regulations caused Honda to pull great bikes like the Pan European and VFR from sale because it simply wasn’t economically viable to ‘tweak’ the engine to meet regulations. My RS6 doesn’t feel compromised my the MHEV, and I have done long sections in the south of France coasting on idle because of it.
  3. Most of the MHEV function is limited by the state of charge of the 48v battery and the current draw in the system. if the battery is well charged and the draw is low it will coast when the load from the engine is low enough. If you have good charge then you can still have the air con on, but once the charge drops then the engine might stay engaged as there is insufficient power available without the alternator drawing from the engine. Same for stop start it traffic lights as the same electrical system is used. The little green foot is to tell you you could save fuel, though it may not coast completely. The battery indicator on the consumption gauge is to indicate whether enough energy is being recuperated to add charge to the battery, but it doesn’t show the battery charge level. That’s what I gleaned from the manual and research for my Q7. Still seems to behave the same in my C8 RS6.
  4. My Q7 would only allow minor adjustment to level without the engine running, but would allow full range once the engine was fired up. Didn’t need to be moving, just running. I would expect the A6 to be the same.
  5. Just let my 4M Q7 go after 6 happy years. It was an excellent car throughout and whilst I love the replacement, I’m sure there will be times when I miss the effortless convenience of the Q7.
  6. AP Racing have always made excellent aftermarket brake setups. I wasn’t able to option Carbon Ceramics on my new RS6 as Audi have now restricted them, which is frustrating as all the press cars being reviewed are raving about the 35kg weight savings. I have been told they are a 10K retrofit if you go genuine Audi ceramics so I would be looking at alternatives like AP.
  7. As I will be waving goodbye to my Q7 this weekend and the new RS6 has very different tyre needs, I have a set of Michelin Alpine 6 tyres that I bought for trips to the Alps last winter that are no longer required. These are 285/45/21’s which I swapped off when the weather got warm (and stayed warm). Will get a tread depth gauge on them for anybody interested and am hoping to recoup £100 per corner. These were a bugger to source and have done one winter. Perfect if you were thinking about an escape to Europe this winter and needed proper tyres. my local tyre depot charged my 10 quid a corner to swap and rebalance when needed. I will gauge interest here amongst likeminded Q7 owners before resorting to FB and Auction sites. Collection from the Reading area.
  8. I’m hoping this doesn’t impact new RS6. I love the matrix headlights on my current Q7 4M - will be seriously unhappy if I rock up on the weekend and don’t find Matrix Lasers installed.
  9. EvilGT on YouTube did a comparison of the stock exhaust with the Milltek and Akro on a C8. Even with the extra filters stuffing up the C8 system, the sound was a great uplift with the Akro, better than the Milltek to my ears. I’m about to pick up my new C8 Vorsprung, and once the bank balance has had time to recover, the Akro is on my Xmas list…
  10. Hi all, thought I would pop up and say Hi. long time Audi owner (A3 1.9 TDi, A6 3.0 S-Line, Q7 (4M) 3.0 TDi S-Line), new to these forums. Just about to take delivery of my new RS6 C8. Have saved for years to get this in my garage and I know that it will continue to evacuate my bank account for a while to come, but still excited.
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