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  1. Thanks Greg, I will do some research and give it a try.
  2. Hi greg, thanks for your response. That sounds very sensible. Is there a guide you know of or any documentation I can follow to remove the car door? thanks
  3. Hi all, I’ve noticed recently that when I drive my audi, i hear a weird buzz/rattling noise from the lower side of the driver door when going over 30mph. It sounds like its near the speaker (this noise also happens when nothing played on the stereo). Sounds like something is lose/vibrating then stops when i slow down. I’ve checked the speaker grill is not lose. Checked the metal strip underneath the speaker grill. Even checked to see if the puddle light is lose but still hear it…any ideas what it could be? Thanks 🙏
  4. Hi mate. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for me it was one of those issues that just went away itself so not quite sure what the issue was….
  5. Definitely a catch 22. amazing you mention big motoring group, I was going to buy an Audi from them. They told me it was full service history (2016 model only had two stamps once I checked!). But that wasn’t the most crazy thing, when I asked if they would do a service they first said they only do services if the last service was done over a year ago or 12k miles ago…well the last service on the car I was looking at was over 2 years ago so I asked them to do the service then they responded saying they wont do it (no reason given). Literally walked away, I do not trust them at all.
  6. Wise getting the belt done on the safe side, nothing beats the feeling of piece of mind. When I got mine I asked for them to get it done but it was last done in 2021 (there was an audi dealership receipt for it) so they didn’t do it.
  7. Hi All, I've just been doing my service planning for my new audi A4 B9. It's a diesel automatic. I have done some research online and found that the recommended times for the service items are: Gear Box oil: First one after 35k miles Then every 40k after that Brake fluid: Every two years Pollen filter: Every 20k miles or two years Oil and filter: Every 10k miles or 1 year Fuel filter: Every 20k Miles or 2 years Cambelt and water pump Audi say 120k miles. But generally suggested is Every 5 years or 50k Miles (to include Aux belt and rollers also) Engine air filter: Every 55k miles Pollen cabin filter: Every 20k Miles of 2 years Battery Every 7 years Do these look correct? Are there any items you would suggest getting done earlier/later? Thanks!
  8. Engine temp showing completely normal (90 after around half hour of driving). When the fans came on this morning, they came on literally as soon as I started the car and the temps were reading like nothing then
  9. Hello I have an audi a4 b9 2016 2.0 diesel. Today i turned on the engine and this fan noise came on from the front of the car. I turned off all the ac and fans in the car and could still hear this fan noise from the front even as the engine was running. I drove around 100 miles. Then stopped as it was still there, turned off the engine (so ignition still on) and the fan noise was still there. It’s only when the car was totally off it stopped. I then started the car again and it was gone. Any ideas what this would have been?
  10. Indeed, wise words Gareth. The detailer I am going to is highly recommended for his quality of work in our area so if I get a payout which will cover his costs to put it right, I will be happy. Then I can just pay him to carry out the work to fully remediate the issue
  11. Hi Gareth, Sound advice, will have someone look at it tomorrow so I know in advance the cost of repair. thanks
  12. yep I will be very cautious. I know certain cleaning products will just mask the marks and wear off so will double check if it has gone or not. not really sure what to do if the marks dont come out, i like the car and feel its abit mental to return it because of this. Equally these marks really have taken the “shine” off of this new car for me. Even if they offered cash this might not make the feeling go away but I’ll see what they do and what they can offer. Thanks again Gareth
  13. Hi all, thanks for all your responses. Sorry for the delay in my response, I never got a notification that anyone had responded. @Magnet thank you for your advice, very useful and this was my plan until things had got worse (see below for the update). @Turlough thank you for your suggestion, I will try and find some of this stuff (again see update below). Update - So looks like the car will be going back to the dealership after all, I didnt want to do a 400 mile round trip for just those marks but unfortuantley another problem has popped up. The LED lighting in the S Line sill trim has stopped working, which actually really affects the look of the car at night since the rest of it is lighting up beautifully. So I thought might aswell hit two birds with one stone and get the dealer to get these marks out & fix the lighting issue which they have agreed to. ....however need your advice as clearly you guys know your stuff. If the dealer says they cannot remove these marks (they caused this damage as its not in the pictures & video they sent me of the car) - what should I do? Should I ask them to replace the silver damage trims? Ask for cash? Any advice would be appreciated. For context, its a big dealership up north with over 3000 cars over three different sites and they turn over millions a year (cant say the name just incase they find this post before the repairs are done 😂)
  14. Hi Mark, I have had the car for a week, the dealer has I bought it from valeted the car before I bought it. I travelled 200 miles to pickup the car and actually came right at the end of the day on a Sunday but the kept it open for me to make the sale. I noticed these marks on the day and the salesman cleared the marks on the back left and told me he done the others but he annoyingly didnt. Dealership have said if I take it back they will remove the marks for me…but thats a 400 mile round trip so I was hoping there would be some product I could buy or something I could do to get rid of the stains. thanks imran
  15. Any idea how to remove these white marks on the silver trim? Have tried washing up liquid with warm water & also warm soapy water but no luck.
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