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Sand.and last won the day on April 6 2016

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    A5 2.0 TDI cabriolet

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  1. Thanks Toonsoldier for the link, but the original post, and the majority of the posts after this relate to 2011-2012 vehicles, which Audi are not recalling according to the link. I still think this post should remain where it is as its obviously being seen by people here. ADMIN, please confirm its staying put.
  2. Hi Trevor Can you please also leave a copy in the A5 section, as it mainly seems to be the A5. As you can see I started this thread quite some time ago, and it's there for anyone else who has an A5 to see what has happened. People are still having issues and reporting on it. It's not relating to recalls as Audi are NOT recalling them, and it's misleading to other Audi owners who might think that Audi are recalling - or even give a damn about their vehicles going up in flames. I would like to think anyone in the future would see this knowing they are not alone - as we did some 2 years ago. Also - if Audi to ever bother to look it this they would see all the posts together too. Please leave it alone where it is. Thanks
  3. Hi Guys I've found this link - its' a few years old - but it says Audi recalled cars due to electrical faults causing fires! http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a10250/audi-recalls-vehicles-for-wiring-problems/ And also, An Audi (although I don't know what model yet) caused the M5 to be closed on Sunday 3rd April as it burst into flames. Luckily no-one was hurt, the family managed to get out. Its on the BBC Hereford & Worcester's facebook page.
  4. Hi Kate So was it a 61 plate?? Ours was a 61 plate, so could be off the same production line??
  5. Hi Kate I'm so sorry to hear this, I know exactly how you feel. My home also suffered a considerable amount of damage. I agree about Audi, but sadly they just don't want to know. Contact them immediately before your car insurance company crushes the car destroying the evidence. Ensure you fire office makes a complete report stating his findings. Contact Peter Morrell (who's useless I'm afraid, but Audi only seem to use him) and don't let them fob you off. Out of interest what year was you car? Sorry - can see its a 2012, If you can link this to my original one on the forum that would be good as it keeps them all up together for anyone else who has a similar problem. (Is that the right thing to do James???)
  6. Monday my A5 burnt to the ground on my drive caused by a electrical fault in the dash.. I can't put into words how upset I am. We all need to make a stand and get answers from Audi. My house has thousands of pounds worth of damage as well.  I will upload photos when I figure out how to do it. Kate xx 

  7. Looking at your photo it's quite clear the fire has come from the drivers side dash - the fire officer that did a FULL investigation on our car also said the main source came from the drivers side dash. Sadly we had no photos of our car on fire, only the aftermath. Peter Morrell from Audi tried to insinuate to me that when the ignition is off NO electrical items are live!! Until I reminded him that, the alarm, lights, radio, central locking, are just a few of the many items that remain live at all times in a car. I even had an electrical diagram of an Audi A5 showing all the live components. I think he thought as I'm a woman I wouldn't know what he was talking about :)
  8. Yep, and we know that soo well eh.!!
  9. Yes John, Audi are aware of this problem, they have just chosen to ignore it severity - usually by passing the blame elsewhere.
  10. Hi Don Sorry to hear of your Audi fire. The fact that Audi have reacted the way they have does not surprise me in the least. There attitude to these types of issues is appalling customer service. What are they waiting for - someone to die in a car fire!! We were sooooo lucky we woke up, or it could've been a completely different story, even then Audi would've said it wasn't there fault!
  11. I hope that anyone who may have a fire related issue with the A5, or in fact another Audi sees my first post and comments on their's - although I don't wish what has happened to us, on anyone, Audi MUST start taking these "incidents" seriously.!!
  12. OMG - another one. !!!! Emma I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. I've never attached any photo's are anything - but now I will. Firstly our home the morning after the night of all nights, we were asleep in the bedroom above the garage and drive - the explosions was like a bird scarer going off in the bedroom, and yes - I still hear it, over 12 months on. Although our home is repaired now - (it was finished in september 15, when the "incident" was 14the December 14 - it took all that time to repair) it dosen't feel the same anymore, even though I have lived here since 1988. We don't sleep in that bedroom anymore, and neither does ANY car go on our drive anymore. I've attached a copy of the fire report showing "electrical", Audi and the insurers have received the full report (My personal details are on other pages show excuse me for not showing everyone everything!!) (our local CID also said they were in agreement with the Fire officer - NOT ARSON) The fire officer said from looking at the remains of the car (which he did at length) there was no accelerant used, and the source was definitely under the dash - you can see from the other attached photo the remains of the steering column etc, and the wiring. all of this and Audi still didn't want to know - I offered them to visit us at home to speak face to face and see the damage to our home, but they just weren't interested. I did actually receive a letter from Andre Konsbruck, via peter Morrell - he didn't even have the decency to send it himself. As far as Audi are concerned, they had a free run with our car, our Insurance company destroyed it without our consent, and before Audi could look at it, we only have the fire officers report and photo's to go with. However their customer service is diabolical - I complained about Peter Morrell's attitude to Andre Konsbruck and Rupert Stadler (Audi AG) and all they did was get peter Morrell to contact me!! Yes they did "loan" us a car for a few weeks, but only due to my perseverance with my emails. Their argument is with our situation "no evidence" and they "kept us mobile" - sod the fact we could've died had the car not exploded and woke us (smoke was already in our bedroom when we woke up), and that our home ended up having over £50k worth of building repairs. I did complete an online form with Watchdog when the Vauxhall's were going up but never heard anything back. I would gladly help pursue anyone who wants to go for it, but I only have evidence to fight as per above, and of course my sheer determination to prove Audi are so very wrong with this issue. I had been prescribed anti depressants in September as by the time the house was completed I was just a wreck - but better now thankfully. Fire Officers Report page 5.pdf
  13. Steve - The update is Audi just don't care - its only three cars!! They sell thousands!! Until, as I told Peter Morrell one causes a serious problem. After all - £50k of damage to our house, and having to be rescued from our back garden by the fire brigade at 2am, is "not" a serious problem!! I emailed Andre Konsbruck and Rupert Stadler yesterday telling them that us first two, now know about the third, but no comment back, that's really not surprising in the past any email to them usually generated a comment from Peter Morrell, which I have specifically requested he NOT contact us AT ALL Audi's last response regarding our car was it was arson, they had an engineer look at photo's and in his own words stated "a great deal of assumptions must be made" He assumes an accelerant was used, but not fuel - I asked what other accelerant could be used - but I had no response to that. The fire officer who reported that our car, was in his opinion, after viewing the remains and examining it completely an electrical fault as he found NO TRACES of any accelerant. He confirmed in his opnion, the fire started behind the dash as that was where the main heat source seemed to come from. Our two neighbours who were outside our house trying to get us out, both confirmed the inside of the car was completely ablaze - not the outside at that early point of the fire. It was only when the roof melted (it was a cab) that the car alarm started to go off. Audi just don't care, stupidly we have bought another Audi - which is faulty!!
  14. Blimey, that's three now in such a short space of time. Speak to Peter Morrell at Audi UK, tell him you had his details from the customer of the A 5 cab that went up in December he will know who I am. Any problems email the CEO of audi uk Andre Konsbruck. You can find his email if you google him. Pm message me if you want more details, I know this site is being monitored so not giving too much info out, but they both know who I am. building work has just started repairing our house, £50k worth of damage, the roof is half stripped, the rest of the roof coming off next week. All of the front windows of the house are due to be replaced, fascia, guttering etc all melted!! Audi refused to accept liability for both our car and the other one too. Audi are desparate to close our case as they think it's all over - but it's far from that!! They must admit now there is a problem, would be interested to now exact age of you car.
  15. Hi OMG - two A5's in December!! Fire officer has stated he is sure it was electrical, but like you Audi seem to be shrugging it off. We have made contact with them via email - copied in top bloke at Audi UK. Had a guy from Audi UK make contact a couple of times, first time he was all apologetic and wanted info so he could help - since then it's been all down hill. Got fed up and emailed top guy in Audi Germany and re-copied UK guy - both have read the email, but no response so far. Were not letting it go, determined to get answers. Our home has suffered considerable damage, lucky it was a cabriolet though as the roof released the tension from windows exploding and causing more damage according to fire officer. Have you looked on you tube??? Its amazing how many Audi's have gone up in flames. What have Audi said to you?? "Proof" works both ways, vehicles don't just go up in flames. They may say no proof that the vehicle was defective, but also, there is no proof to say that it wasn't.!! I wonder what the press would make of our claims???
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