OMG - another one. !!!! Emma I'm so sorry to hear of your situation.
I've never attached any photo's are anything - but now I will.
Firstly our home the morning after the night of all nights, we were asleep in the bedroom above the garage and drive - the explosions was like a bird scarer going off in the bedroom, and yes - I still hear it, over 12 months on.
Although our home is repaired now - (it was finished in september 15, when the "incident" was 14the December 14 - it took all that time to repair) it dosen't feel the same anymore, even though I have lived here since 1988. We don't sleep in that bedroom anymore, and neither does ANY car go on our drive anymore.
I've attached a copy of the fire report showing "electrical", Audi and the insurers have received the full report (My personal details are on other pages show excuse me for not showing everyone everything!!) (our local CID also said they were in agreement with the Fire officer - NOT ARSON)
The fire officer said from looking at the remains of the car (which he did at length) there was no accelerant used, and the source was definitely under the dash - you can see from the other attached photo the remains of the steering column etc, and the wiring.
all of this and Audi still didn't want to know - I offered them to visit us at home to speak face to face and see the damage to our home, but they just weren't interested. I did actually receive a letter from Andre Konsbruck, via peter Morrell - he didn't even have the decency to send it himself.
As far as Audi are concerned, they had a free run with our car, our Insurance company destroyed it without our consent, and before Audi could look at it, we only have the fire officers report and photo's to go with. However their customer service is diabolical - I complained about Peter Morrell's attitude to Andre Konsbruck and Rupert Stadler (Audi AG) and all they did was get peter Morrell to contact me!!
Yes they did "loan" us a car for a few weeks, but only due to my perseverance with my emails. Their argument is with our situation "no evidence" and they "kept us mobile" - sod the fact we could've died had the car not exploded and woke us (smoke was already in our bedroom when we woke up), and that our home ended up having over £50k worth of building repairs.
I did complete an online form with Watchdog when the Vauxhall's were going up but never heard anything back. I would gladly help pursue anyone who wants to go for it, but I only have evidence to fight as per above, and of course my sheer determination to prove Audi are so very wrong with this issue. I had been prescribed anti depressants in September as by the time the house was completed I was just a wreck - but better now thankfully.
Fire Officers Report page 5.pdf