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    A7 3.0 TDI Black Edition BiTurbo
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  1. I can't hear any obvious whistling noises coming from the engine bay, but a leak would certainly not help, but I can't help feeling that to lose 80 HP it has to be to do with the turbo. Is there any way to test the turbo ? Something else the guy who dyno tested the car said was that it was a stock map apart from the Adblue had been mapped out, which I had done on Audi's recommendation as the Adblue system had failed. The DPF was mapped out when I purchased the car and I'm guessing this was done as the DPF has been knocked through and there is little back pressure, which should actually increase the performance.
  2. I have a late 2018 Audi A7 3.0 TDI BiTurbo with 24k on the clock. My problem is that it felt pretty flat, even though the car performs fine and there are no lights on the dash, it has been serviced at every service interval and has always passed the MOT without and issues. So I had it tested on a dyno and instead of getting close to its 320 HP, it only gave 235 HP and the torque was well down, the guy who tested it said that the acceleration was poor and that it felt a little rough at the top end and thought the most likely cause was that the sequential turbo wasn't working correctly and suggested I get a boost gauge fitted to see what was happening. I'm no expert on these things, but to lose so much power even though the car performs ok something must be wrong Has anyone ever seen this problem before and could the problem be with the turbo Any help would be much appreciated. Audi A7 Dyno Result.pdf
  3. I'm not sure what size of wheel you currently have, but Audi have told me that I can definitely come down from my 21" wheels to 19", which is what I wanted.
  4. Hi Gareth Just checked and the standard size tyre that Audi recommend for a 19x8.5 wheel is actually 255x40, these have an offset of 32. I've read that there are a several benefits to putting on smaller wheels like a better ride, better fuel economy, quicker car, cheaper tyres, it makes you wonder why they fitted those huge 21" wheels. With each of the 21" rims costing £900 and given they are all in VGC and with a legal tyre on them I would have thought I could sell them for £3k, what do you think they would be worth. Regards Steve
  5. Hi Gareth There are several options available for my car although strangely enough the 21" wheels are not listed, but the options available are 17", 18", 19" & 20", so it looks like I can fit pretty much what size I want from 17" and I'm favouring 255x40x19 and a quick looks shows that the cost of the tyres is cheaper than the 21" tyres I've just purchased. Having looked for spare rims for my car, the rim currently fitted is £900, so that's around £1100 per wheel with a new tyre fitted, so I could easily sell all 4 for over £3k, which should be more than enough to buy new rims and tyres.
  6. Hi Gareth I purchased the car with the 21" wheels without realising the cost of the tyres, I was thinking of putting on 19" or 20" wheels Regards Steve
  7. I've recently purchased an Audi A7 3.0 TDI BiTurbo and one of the first jobs was to replace the two front tyres, but I was gobsmacked at the price of them (£230 each fitted) because they are 21" tyres and the rims are by far the biggest I've seen fitted to a car. The guy who fitted the tyres said that for most tyre depots a 21" tyre would be a special order and quite expensive and asked if I was keeping the car, if so then I may find it beneficial to fit smaller rims. My Audi A5 3.0 TDI has 18" rims, but if was to change the rims on my A7, what would be the best size to fit.
  8. Steve24

    Real MPG

    Thanks for you reply, do you have 21" wheels, I've set mine to 36 PSI all round I was going to sell my other car which an Audi A5 3.0 TDI Quattro which does around 42 MPG, but I think I will keep it and use that to offset the low MPG I get from the A7. I'm going to contact Audi UK to tell them that their advertised MPG figures are wildly out and the only way my A7 would do advertised MPG is if I pushed it.
  9. Steve24

    Real MPG

    Hi Tommy Thanks for your reply, I own another Audi that I drive regularly, it's an A5 3.0 TDI Quattro with 300 bhp, it's a 6 speed manual and it averages around 40 mpg and that includes a lot of high speeds on the motorway, so you can imagine my disappointment with the A7 only getting 29 mpg and I can't believe that having two turbos can use up all that fuel, it's a diesel and should be far more economical, to make matters worse I think the A5 is a lot quicker, maybe being automatic drinks all that extra diesel. I've only had the A7 for a couple of weeks and I'm on my second full tank and so far I'm on target to do 460 miles, which will work out at 30 mpg, but that's a far cry from the 40mpg that Audi quote in there blurb. Maybe I need to have the car looked at as it's only done 13000 miles.
  10. Steve24

    Real MPG

    I've recently purchased an A7 3.0 TDI BiTurbo and I've tried all the Car modes, ie. Economic, Comfort, Dynamic and my real average mpg is around 29 mpg, when Audi say it should average 42 mpg. My previous car was an A5 3.0 TDI 6 speed manual and averaged 44 mpg even with a lot of spirited driving. Does anyone else have an A7 3.0 TDI BiTurbo, if so what mpg are you getting.
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