Hi all. I'm new here, in hope of helping me understand some of the frustrating things my car does. It's by far the nicest car I've owned, it's fast, comfortable and well looked after BUT man its quirks send me round the bend sometimes. Really grateful for any advice anyone can give..
Most pressing issue is the failing central locking, I now have two doors which will not unlock with the key fob, they will - once opened manually from inside - however - lock with the fob, so it seems the mechanisms do work, at least in one direction. I've done a bit of digging around in the forum and it seems this is a common Audi of a certain age issue?.. there's mention of cleaning the motor armitures in those particular doors and I'm going to give that a go, is this something anyone here's done and did it work? did you need any specific tools? did you regret it and end up taking it to a garage and it costing a fortune? Is there anyting I should check before taking things apart?
Many thanks