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  1. I will of course buy the cover for other reasons as well. Not sure it will help the car to reach the operating temperature but it will definitely help to prevent any objects from damaging the engine from underneath. I have however placed a cardboard over the radiator behind the grill which didn’t help much.
  2. Got advice to buy the plastic cover that is right under the engine since mine is gone. But I still don’t see how this would help the car to reach 90c, maybe 70c but not up to 90c. The car only reaches 90c on long trips on highway. When I drive at least 100km/h but as soon as I slow down it drops again no matter if it’s -20 -5 or +5 outside. I have bought the car three months ago so I don’t know if it’s been like this for a while or something recent. I have owned a4 b8 2.0tdi, a6 c6 2.0tdi, audi a4 b6 1.9tdi, vw sharan/caravelle, audi q5 2.0. None of these had any problem to reach the operating temperature no matter the outside temperature. No mechanic has any idea but different small things that I could change and see if it helps.
  3. Still haven’t sorted this out. I have programmed out DPF filter since that one was bothering me for a while. So the temperature problem has gotten even worse. I have also changed the second thermostat and got informed by someone that there is possibly even a third one. Still unsure about that. However I can’t see the point of buying original thermostat, since the one I have installed is supposed to open at 80 degrees and the temperature barely ever reaches it. Had a cold week here, had to drive to work while the outside temperature was -20c. Car temperature didn’t go over 60c so I was freezing the whole way to work. This is probably critical for the engine too.
  4. I just said ordering car parts outside the country is not possible.🙂 our workshops order parts from dealers inside the country the same parts that we can buy online too. All parts are made to be used in cold weather since it gets up to -30 here in winter so we don’t have parts that are in bad quality unless you buy from China urself. Audi or VAG is not possible unless you have a brand new car and its the Audi dealer that repairs it. I highly doubt that its the part that is faulty and wondered if anyone knows what else could be wrong. The inside warms up nicely so I don’t freeze while driving but the low oil temperature is not reassuring.
  5. It’s a country that forces you to buy things that either originally comes from Norway or buy from companies that are Norwegian for high prices and if you still choose to buy from abroad you are going to pay double the price because of the taxes. I used to buy car parts from AutoDoc since its mostly good quality and low prices but a few years ago Norway decided that everyone will have to pay taxes on items from abroad so you can buy a car part for 200e and then you will pay 100e more when it arrives… so ordering outside Norway is out of question😂
  6. There isn’t a lot of options when buying car parts in Norway sadly, and none of the car parts are ever cheap. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem and found a solution. -12 is not even that cold here and I’m worried whats going to happen when its -20. I know that the car not reaching its operating temperature is a bad thing and I have noticed the fuel consumption seems high too compared to every other audi car I ever owned which is too probably connected to the low engine temperature. The second thermostat is a thing i think however wasn’t pointed out by mechanic and this is what bothers me, I’m not getting any real help here from professionals only speculations, though maybe someone on internet might know an answer 😅
  7. Volmano, with opening temperature at 87c A4 was diesel too, didnt have start/stop but that one get deactivated in cold weather automatically.
  8. Hey, anyone knows what could be the issue with the temperature dropping or is it normal? Bought a6 2.0 diesel and it can’t seem to stay at 90c I changed thermostat it’s currently around -11 outside and it would warm up to 90c while driving then as soon as im in the city it drops to 80c and if i turn up the fans inside it drops even lower. I had previously a4 b8 2.0 and never had any issues with the temperature. I know the engine has to stay at 90c to operate properly and I’m worried about dpf filter not having a chance to regenerate because of the temperature. I only drove around 30km a day so the temperature inconsistent is bothering me and I’m not really getting any good answers from mechanics.
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