I actually joined the community back in December 2023 after trading in my Range Rover Sport for a gorgeous 2020 A8 50 TDI. But I guess I hadn't done my research properly. The A8 was a fantastic car apart from two things. Firstly, coming from a Range Rover, it was just too low for me, I felt like my bum was scraping the road and other vehicles seemed huge and intimidating. The other problem was sourcing a tow bar for it as I tow a rather large caravan. Anyway, I lost a fair bit trading it in again 8 weeks later, for another Range Rover (2020 4.4 SDV8). But my life is never that simple. After a few issues, with the dealer more than the car, I decided my loyalty to Jaguar Land Rover was over and looked at a few alternatives. Last week I placed an order for my first ever brand new car, a (2025) Q8 50 TDI due in March 25. Once again, I am losing a fortune due to an early trade-in and there are one or two insisting the Q8 will never live up to the Range Rover experience, but at least i'm getting the spec I want including the deployable tow bar. I hope i've made the right choice this time. Time will tell 🙂