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  1. Thanks Cliff. I also tried with youtube links, but is flagging the link as potential spam.
  2. I tried posting the videos without success. If anyone can tell me how that would be awesome.
  3. Hi all, Im looking for some experience with an issue. My Q7 2019 is constantly stuttering while idle. Every time I take to audi for service I mention this issue, but their answer is always the same: they could not find anything and there are no diagnostic errors/malfunctions. This time I managed to record the odometer when it started. I already booked another diagnostic with Audi, but wanted to see if someone has an idea what this could be. I expect the same answers, but this time I have evidence. Im adding two videos for reference. Any thoughts would be great. IMG_9040.mov IMG_9039.mov
  4. Thanks Gareth, yes it could be a matter of who said what. The issue from my point of view is that they didn’t say it was urgent or anything like that. It was more of “there is a suspected leakage, but we wont know until a thorough check is completed. Nothing to worry about”. However now the diagnostic is more complex than the way it sounded before. I agree this could become an issue of who said what, when and how.
  5. Hi, Im new in the forum. Happy nee year everyone. Apologies if there is a topic on this already. Could not find a similar case. i purchased a second hand audi approved Q7 in December 2021. The specs of the car at the time of purchase: Model Year: 2019 19 Engine Capacity: 3,000 Mileage: 17,676 Transmission: Automatic Fuel Type: Diesel The car had all the audi approved pre checks and audi warranty for a year. As you can see the vehicle was low mileage with only 17k on the clock. In the November 2022 during the annual service an oil leak was identified. Nothing major, but they could not check during the service because they need more time to remove parts etc. The audi service advisor mentioned I needed to make a separate appointment for the oil leak check. So I didn’t make the appointment right away since it sounded something uncertain and didnt want to drive to the dealer again just for another day, so I waited for the service to do the check. Now last November 2023 during the annual service the technician at the audi dealership checked the oil, but could not find the oil leak so they need the vehicle once more to stay at the audi garage because they need to take out the engine to find the issue. Apparently, taking the engine out will take a number of hours and the cost will be high just for the diagnostic. So here is my question. The oil leak was identified in November 2022 just before the one year warranty expired. However, the work will take place in February 2024. I mentioned the warranty to them and I believe was their duty to mention that this is rather complicated to diagnose and costly so do it straight after the service in November 2022 within the warranty. I am worried this could become a big issue and that audi wont take any responsibility. The car only drove 4k miles since then. I see no reason for a low mileage vehicle to have an internal oil leakage. Any thoughts/advice on how to address this issue with Audi?
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