Driving in Greek Mountains on dirt track using "Allroad" setting when a warning message beeped " Suspension Too Low"
Stopped, examined and found all look fine with good ground clearance. 5 minutes later the rear N/S airbag exploded with a shotgun strength bang !
Now the rear suspension was down with only minimal ground clearance quite insufficient for the terrain resulting in damage to rear undersides and worse, a significant fear that we would not be able to get out of the dirt road network to a more level tarmac surface.
This problem and subsequent damage to a low-mileage 2014 A6C74G Allroad was caused by a snapped plastic drop link or rod connecting the level-sensor to the rear N/S suspension. The CPU thinks the car is too low, tries to further inflate the air-spring and the explosion results, potentially stranding me in uninhabited mountains.
Now I have the car on the ramp. One knackered airbag with no stock in Greece other than £800 from the stealership, and damaged to the rear skirt and underbody parts all because of a "weak link" Examination of the other three links reveals that two are already bent and will doubtless stress-fail in due course.
Anyone else had the same problem? I urge owners to check and replace these links although at the moment I cannot locate a source, only the complete sensor and link kit at £80 a corner.
Totally p***ed off and cross? yes, but grateful to be able to drag the A6 !Removed! over rocks and scree using 150kW of engine. Thinking of fabricating a better substitute, certainly, unless others have beaten me too it.