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    TT Roadster 1.8t
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  1. Hi All, This is still a non starter as the info above I've replaced. fuel getting to the sail but not passed the fpr so fuel still not coming out of the injectors. I'll just reiterate the things I've changed: Cam + Crank sensors Fuel pump + relay Fuel Filter Injectors Fuel pressure regulator Battery Engine relay in engine compartment Checked all fuses and are fine CCM had a bulge in it opened one corner had a bit of corrosion on but cleaned up It does throw alarm issues up as the siren is water damaged and the terminal 30 pin was corroded, i just need a bit more help please. Could the Ignition switch be an issue or the Throttle body or even the CCM? Any additional thought would be appreciated, will post the latest diagnostic read Log-TRUZZZ8N621004719 Aug24.txt
  2. Hi all, New here and have been looking under the TT section for a similar issue as in non start, but couldn't find anything so apologies if this has been covered. As in the tittle the above came to us as a non start, diagnosed fuel pump as not working when bridged, exchanged fuel pump with one from motor factors, and changed fuel filter too, still no start. We have since changed the following to rule out: Injectors Fuel pressure regulator Fuel pump relay (second hand) Crank Sensor (Bosch) Cam sensor (Bosch) also had a new battery as the old one was knackered. I have a read out off VCDS if someone could be so kind who can look at it or any Audi guru's could look and advise as I'm pulling my hair out now. Please see attached file. Thank You Anyway again apologies if this has been covered, hope you all have a good day Audi Jan 24.txt
  3. HI all, thanks for letting me join. Read through the conditions all good and understood.
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