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    B9 S5
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  1. Hi, had as much trouble wording my topic title as I did with my Google search. Cannot find ANYTHING from searches about having low/limited boost before the oil is up to temp or if there's a timer on it. Normal? (Don't get me wrong, if it's normal I like it a lot.) I haven't timed it, but I get full boost after maybe between 30mins to 1 hour of driving. Even when the oil is at 80c. Oh and i can reduce that time to 10 mins or less if I turn the car off and on again. I bought this car used, it has 34k miles. I don't know if it has had anything done to the ECU? It could have been an ex lease, do they put these restrictions? Also this image. The error I had when I gave it a lot of throttle before it was "ready" I've had this message once. I went into Tesco, come back and it was gone and Hasn't returned. I still have warranty left, so would like to know if this a potential problem before that expires.
  2. Hello everyone, had a little peruse of your forums prior to joining. Looks like there's a great bunch of peeps here so pulled the trigger and signed up. The B9 S5 I currently own is my first Audi, coming from a long list of previous BMW's. I'm still learning about this car (and Audi in general) so will not have much knowledge to share initally, but will get there with it. Hopefully be able to contribute some useful information in the future.
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