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enc last won the day on March 8 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Won’t be long before these attain classic status I reckon.
  2. You’re not the first to mention EBC … I guess there’s something in it 😁
  3. Realise this may be a bit “general” but, looking to replace discs and pads on my A3. Ideally with pads which don’t shed a Shed a sh’t load of dust! any recommendations please?
  4. Probably the wise thing to do. if you were to pay for this work it’d probably be quite expensive , and realistically, unless done to a very high standard would only be a temporary measure. On the 8p model of which I think yours would be (61plate) the rear wishbones are a common mot failure point as they do rust quite badly. From what I can gather, 8v models are of very similar design and will probably go the same way. I make a point of power washing mine as part of the wash routine
  5. Made a desision on what to do with the car?
  6. Offside Rear Subframe mounting prescribed area is corroded but not considered excessive On my previous 2005 A3 I carried out some preventative treatment in this area. Not easy but doable. Would have been much easier on a ramp. Long story short, removed rust with various sanders and treated with Bilt Hamber products. Went through further MOTs without mention.
  7. It’s a crappy design Colin
  8. Lots of VAG group cars built after 2003 have a sponge pad in the front wing which is supposed to reduce road noise. Thing is, it also promotes formation of rust at the top centre of the arch To such an extent, many cars (mk5 golfs especially) had wings replaced under warranty. It appears AUDI, VW etc did not learn from this as cars are still fitted with these pads. To my point 🤔😂has anybody removed these as a preventative measure to stop the onset of rust? I plan on doing mine in spring and am wondering if there’s an adverse effect on road noise in the cabin !?
  9. 😲did that take a hit?
  10. To be fair, if it sorts your back, £130 is a small price to pay. my back issue comes and goes and a few choice stretching exercises usually works wonders. I just wish I knew what triggered it …
  11. Thanks Terry. Not sure if I can justify £130 but watching with interest.
  12. Bellies its age so well. Private plate and the uninformed wouldn’t have a clue to its age. that roof rust looks bit scary, what’s the plan there?
  13. enc

    Would you?

    Well I didn’t in the end. Spent too much time wrestling with the plastic under tra in the cold 😖❄️😆 treated myself to a new pair of axle stands too 😁
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