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    Warminster Wiltshire
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  1. Found these instructions
  2. Will the Audi dongle the dealership gave me work with any of the scanning applications?
  3. Brilliant! Thanks I’ll try that.
  4. I should say that I am also seeing a fault on spoiler system - which I understand is controlled by a module in the boot - is this also the convenience module?
  5. That is a fair point and well spotted. Is there a particular diagnostic tool I should but to gather these codes? My local audi dealer gave me a free dongle to connect the My Audi app but it doesn’t provide much information.
  6. Current status is Stop start does not operate. I am used to having a working stop start on other vehicles so would ordinarily want it to work. I do hear people recommending it should be disabled to prolong engine life. The A7 has done 92k so maybe leaving it off is the right thing. Saving CO2 emissions is however also the right thing. Another consideration is that technically I have a three month dealer warranty and I would like to get anything that needs attention sorted out before that expires. Eg the convenience module in the other post.
  7. So having the button orange light either on or off doesn’t seem to engage the stop start feature - so I imagine it might be disabled on the console.
  8. Thanks Jason. I will experiment again.
  9. Then the more complex…
  10. OK so simple stuff first… I have a button with an uppercase A in bc a circle which I assume turns off the auto stop feature - but the engine never stops at traffic lights etc. Should the light on the button be on or off to enable that feature?
  11. Hi all. I have a newly acquired 2012 A7 which from the dealer had a fault on the ignition in that I had to place the key on a a senor/antenna point on the dash to start the car. The dealer promised to send an AA key service to fix the issue but this has not happened in three months. I found this on youtube - which is pretty much exactly the issue I have. Does anyone know of a specialist in SW England (I am in Wiltshire) who could run the diagnostic and perhaps fix the CSCM?
  12. Just signed up to see what I can learn. Proud owner of a somewhat restrained 2012 A7. I have no manual so i’m hoping to find some help on a few issues.
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