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Audiman1 last won the day on April 22 2020

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    a3 2009 sportback 2.0tdi auto
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  1. All fixed, new turbo and egr 😒
  2. So I have just bought an A1 1.6tdi 2014 for my daughter. When shutting the engine off sometimes theres a burning smell and the fan runs fir a minute or so. ( temp gauge always says 90 °. I assumed it was the dpf doi g its thing so I've downloaded vag dpf and got the following. Could anyone explain the figures to me and let me know if I'm doomed ? Oh the car has no fault codes and drives lovely. Thanks
  3. I bought this in error for my 2014 but unfortunately it didnt fit. I believe it's from the newer model. Price £80
  4. Please can anyone confirm or deny if the parcel shelfs from a 2010 to 2015 a1 8x would be the same wether 3 door or 5 door. I have a sportback and need a parcel shelf.
  5. I have a 2014 a1 1.6tdi suffering coolant loss. It's also smoking sometimes quite alot ( clouds in rear veiw mirror ) drives fine and starts perfect. Am I right in thinking this is probably the egr cooler? Do these suffer from head gasket problems ? What tests can I do to rule out one or the other on the 1.6tdi. I'm hoping it's the cooler leaking coolant into the intake or exhaust. Car has done about 70k Thanks
  6. I had a similar problem on our a5 and bought a sump plug valve. http://www.stahlbus.com/products/en/oil-drain-valve/index.php we fitted this with threadlock to seal any leak, this cured the problem and the plug will never need to be removed again, also makes for easy oil changes in the future.
  7. Are you sure they are the correct struts?
  8. New struts needed.
  9. Armrest is pretty easy. Took me about half an hour. You have to cut a hole in the center to take the bracket. Its not a great design though as it fowls the handbrake
  10. Have you tried the a8partsforum it seemscto be more active with a8 and s8 owners
  11. I would deffinately say get a new battery first. Newer cars computers like good voltage or they shut certain modules down to save power
  12. My Dad had an auto locksmith out to his lexus with similar and he stripped the barrel and rebuilt it for about £60
  13. I find reception in the car is hit and miss where i live and if i have it on dab then change to fm i think fm sounds better
  14. A scan with vcds should show whats wrong if you test outputs. I purchased OBDeleven recently, this does similar to vcds but os only 45 quid.
  15. Personally after having it in my a8 i wouldn't bother
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