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LarHal last won the day on December 23 2024

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    A4 B6 1.8T
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  1. The motor has the sensor built in. Maybe there is someone near you with VCDS who could scan your car which would give you all the fault codes and would identify the faulty unit. I have VCDS and it is the most useful tool I owne.
  2. No it won’t be the controller. It will be a specific motor.
  3. There are 3 actuators that control the air flow. They have sensors in them which tells the control module their position. The sounds you are hearing are the actuators cycling and trying to sence their position which they cant. So they remain open and allow the hot air to come in. VCDSS would tell you which one is at fault, in any ways they have to be replaced. Items 4, 6 or 7 To the begining Air-conditioning system with electronic regulation for Audi A4/Avant(A4) 2002 [EUROPA] № part number description remark unit model Air-conditioning system with electronic regulation 1 8E1 820 021 E Fan lhd 1 1 8E2 820 021 E Fan rhd 1 2 8E1 820 511 F actuator motor for air flow flap lhd light blue V71 1 3 8E1 820 511 D positioning motor for recirculated air operation lhd blue V 113 1 3 8E2 820 511 D positioning motor for recirculated air operation rhd blue V 113 1 4 8E1 820 511 B Servomotor for defroster flap lhd green V 107 1 4 8E2 820 511 B Servomotor for defroster flap rhd green V 107 1 5 8E1 820 511 G control motor for temperature regulating flap left lhd red V 158 1 5 8E2 820 511 E control motor for temperature regulating flap right rhd yellow V 159 1 6 8E1 820 511 K actuator motor, footwell flap foot well flap lhd white V 70 1 6 8E2 820 511 H actuator motor, footwell flap foot well flap rhd black V 70 1 7 8E1 820 511 H control motor for temperature regulating flap right lhd violet V 159 1 7 8E2 820 511 F control motor for temperature regulating flap left rhd brown V 158 1 8 8E1 820 353 B Air distribution housing lhd 1 8 8E2 820 353 B Air distribution housing rhd 1 9 8E2 820 024 Evaporator housing rhd 1 9 8E1 820 024 Evaporator housing lhd 1 10 8E1 820 153 Intake duct lhd 1 10 8E2 820 153 Intake duct rhd 1 11 8E1 819 151 Footwell vent lhd 1 11 8E2 819 151 Footwell vent rhd 1 15 8E1 820 103 evaporator F >> 8E-3-285 000* lhd 1 15 8E1 820 103 A evaporator F 8E-3-285 001>>* lhd 1 15 8E2 820 103 evaporator F >> 8E-3-285 000* rhd 1 15 8E2 820 103 A evaporator F 8E-3-285 001>>* rhd 1 16 8E1 820 031 heat exchanger also use: lhd 8E0 898 380 1, 1 16 8E2 820 031 heat exchanger also use: rhd 8E0 898 380 1, 1 17 4B1 819 011 Auxiliary heater for air conditioner LLKG Z35 1 17 4B2 819 011 Auxiliary heater for air conditioner RLKG Z35 1 20 8E0 898 380 Gasket set 1 21 8E1 898 350 1 set: pipes for heat exchanger also use: lhd 8E0 898 380 1, , 1 21 8E2 898 350 1 set: pipes for heat exchanger also use: rhd 8E0 898 380 1, , 1 23 8E0 820 992 A Bungs 1 24 8E1 816 311 air hose for models with cool box lhd 1 24 8E2 816 311 air hose for models with cool box rhd 1 - 8E0 820 701 Vent for vehicles with air condit. Glove compartment 1 8E0 820 701 4 PK soul (black) 25 1K0 907 543 A Temperature sensor G 263 1 26 N10 424 101 hexagon head panel screw 4X16 X 28 4B0 820 539 Temperature sensor G 262 1 29 4B0 820 539 Temperature sensor G 261 1 30 8E1 260 113 A water drain pipe lhd 1 30 8E2 260 113 A water drain pipe rhd 1 34 8E0 260 155 drain tube 1 37 8E1 819 079 Retaining bar lhd 1 37 8E2 819 079 Retaining bar rhd 1 38 N01 028 73 Hexagon bolt M6X16 4 39 N90 457 003 hexagon head bolt (combi) M6POWX15, 5-S1 1 40 8E0 820 539 Temperature sensor evaporator G89 1 41 Discont. / replace: 8E1 898 400 8E2 898 400 1, 1 lhd rhd 42 Discont. / replace: 8E1 898 400 8E2 898 400 1, 1 lhd rhd 43 Discont. / replace: 8E1 898 400 8E2 898 400 1, 1 lhd rhd 44 8E1 898 400 1 set attachment parts for heat exchanger lhd 1 44 8E2 898 400 1 set attachment parts for heat exchanger rhd 1 45 N10 095 101 Clamp 8X17 1 47 4B1 819 164 Cover for models without auxiliary heater lhd 1 47 4B2 819 164 Cover for models without auxiliary heater RLKG 1 - 8E0 819 425 B Cover cap 1 - 8E1 898 001 B 1 set: levers for air distribution housing lhd 1 - 8E2 898 001 B 1 set: levers for air distribution housing rhd 1 - 8E0 898 001 1 set: levers for air distribution housing Defroster flap F >> 8E-4-280 000* 1 - 8E0 898 001 A 1 set: levers for air distribution housing Defroster flap F 8E-4-280 001>>* 1
  4. Thanks for the ressponce and update.
  5. Well, we all want to help a fellow Audi owner, May be we put a bate question out and wait for an answer, Like in this instance, What type brake fluid did you use? If we get no answer then we know that they are just a user and not part of the family. I am on 3 other Audi Forums because information is the key to success. I have learned alot and taught some. I guess some people are just users.
  6. Hi Cliff, Is not the way it happens that someone reaches out for help and dosent respond?
  7. If you have emptied the system you will need to do a pressure bleed and cycle the ABS pump with VCDS. that is the only way you can remove all theair. I purchased a pressure bkeader from Eba and it workes the charm bleeding brakes. Start the bleed with the cylender farthest away from the master ctlender., LR, RR, LF, RF and dont forhet your clutch slave cylender if it has a manual transmission.
  8. I also will have a repair day tomorrow, Oil Pressure Switch.
  9. Do ypu have VCDS to read the codes? Any Audi Owner should have this tool. Look it up on the Rosstech site.They have a WIKI there with a lot of information.
  10. The front snub mount is there to keep your engine from jumping up when the power is put on. It seems to me that I would check your motor mounts and transmission mounts. Could be a transmission mount failure causing you to break the front mount. Like a lever action pulls up on one side and down on the other.
  11. What Year is your Audi, 2003 and up can use a B7 key fob. A good Auto Locksmith can do this for you.
  12. part numberdescriptionremarkunitmodel 1 8E0 821 105 B Wingleft1 (1) 8E0 821 106 B Wingright1
  13. Audi A4 S4 B7 8E 8H 2007 Set windscreen wiper blade arm 8H2955407A VSD4876 | eBay
  14. A4 B7 wiper arms and blades. I g got mine from Ebay and installed on my 02. works great.
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